
create a bridge between exsys and nafies servers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

1- node - git - yarn - lerna

NOTE: to check if these tools are installed yarn run 1- yarn -v 2- node -v 3- git -v 4- lerna -v if you didn't get any one of them version please install it

------------------------------------------------ install above tools -------------------- install NODE => https://nodejs.org/en/download/ install GIT: => https://gitforwindows.org/ install YARN => https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#windows-stable (click Alternatives text then click download installer) install Lerna => yarn global add lerna

-------------------------------- install project code ----------------------------------- if installations are done install the project via 1- open a cmd 2- git clone https://github.com/AhmedNassar147/exsys-nafies-server-bridge.git 3- cd exsys-nafies-server-bridge

4- yarn bootstrap

---------------------------------------------- now you got all installation done -------- to run the project 1- crate a batch file (with whatever name you want) like myfile.bat 2- in that file set this content into => start-exsys-nphies-bridge --ignore-cert

------------------------------------------- our cli options ---------------------------- in cmd run this command to see all options start-exsys-nphies-bridge --h