I am an optimistic and hard worker Software engineer always looking forward to expand my knowledge and experience in the field, and go forward in my career
@MollieAmsterdam, Netherlands
Pinned Repositories
100 days of algorithms
This is a basic script to make very simple search engine, which you can import it in your code and use any function you need from it.
This a very small & simple implementation for API Platform with LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle to make user API authentications.
Basic Intro to different design patterns
This repository will have a lot of leetcode problems solutions
🐳 Docker containers with NGINX, PHP73-FPM, MYSQl, & Symfony 4.4
💯 Algorithms study materials, behavioral content and tips for rocking your coding interview
A tool to migrate your commit history from source control management platforms like GitLab or Bitbucket to a private/public GitHub repository as empty commits.
AhmedRaafat14's Repositories
LintCode Python
Before the ACM-ACPC regional contest, the site director and the volunteers were very busy preparing for the contest. One of their tasks is to assign a table for each team such that no two teams from the same university are adjacent to each other. The site director decided not to waste his time doing this task and asked the judges to do it. The judges thought this could be a good problem to be used in the contest problems set. As they were very busy preparing for the contest, the judges decided to solve part of the problem and ask the contestants to solve the rest.