This project is an initiative to create a simplified version of the AirBnB application, focusing on the backend console interface. It involves developing a command-line interpreter to manage the application's data models and storage. This console allows users to create, read, update, and delete objects, simulating the basic functionalities needed for managing an AirBnB-like platform.
The project is structured to follow a series of tasks aimed at gradually building a robust backend system. Key components include:
- Custom command interpreter.
- Class definitions for various object types (e.g., User, Place, City, Amenity, Review).
- Persistent storage using file serialization.
: contain all classes used for the entire project. A class, called “model” in a OOP project is the representation of an object/instance.tests
: contain all unit
: file is the entry point of our command interpreter.models/
: file is the base class of all our models. It contains common elements:attributes
: id, created_at and updated_atmethods
: save() and to_json()
: directory will contain all storage classes (using the same prototype). For the moment I will have only one:
The command interpreter is the central feature of this project. It functions as a REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop), enabling users to interact with the backend system through text-based commands.
- Your shell should work like this in interactive mode:
$ ./
(hbnb) help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF help quit
- But also in non-interactive mode: (like the Shell project in C)
$ echo "help" | ./
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF help quit
$ cat test_help
$ cat test_help | ./
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF help quit
Unittests for the project are defined in the tests folder. To run the entire test suite simultaneously, execute the following command:
$ python3 unittest -m discover tests
Alternatively, you can specify a single test file to run at a time:
$ python3 unittest -m tests/