Laravel Integration With Google Sheets API

Setting Up Google Cloud

Step 1: Google Cloud Console

Visit the Google Cloud Console to start setting up your project. Click

!open this

Create a new project in the Google Cloud Console.

Step 2: Create a New Project

!Create New Project

Step 3: Go to Library

Navigate to the library section of your Google Cloud project.

!Go to Library

Step 4: Enable APIs

Search for the required APIs and enable them for your project.

!Choose this one

!Enable APIs

Screenshot 2024-06-03 152622

Configuring Credentials

Step 1: Access Credentials

Go to the 'Credentials' section after enabling the necessary APIs.

!Credentials Section

Step 2: API Key

Ensure your API key is enabled for editing.

!API Key Editing

Step 3: WebClient

Enable the WebClient and download the JSON file.

!WebClient JSON

Google Sheets Setup

Step 1: Access Google Sheets

Go to your Google Sheet and ensure it is set to 'Share and Edit'.

!Google Sheets Share and Edit

Step 2: Sheet Name

Note that the name you see is the name of the paper, not the sheet.

!Paper Name

Visual Studio Code Setup

Step 1: JSON File

Place the downloaded JSON file into the storage directory of your Laravel project.

!JSON File in Storage

Step 2: Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables in your .env file:


Step 3: Composer Commands

Run the following commands to install the necessary package and publish the configuration:

composer require revolution/laravel-google-sheets
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="PulkitJalan\Google\GoogleServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Step 4: Configuration File

Create a google.php file in the config folder with the following content:


return [
    'application_name' => env('GOOGLE_APPLICATION_NAME', 'My Laravel Application'),
    'client_id'        => env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID'),
    'client_secret'    => env('GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET'),
    'redirect_uri'     => env('GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL'),
    'scopes'           => [
    'access_type'      => 'offline',
    'approval_prompt'  => 'force',
    'developer_key'    => env('GOOGLE_API_KEY'),
    'service'          => [
        'enable' => true,
        'file'   => env('GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON', storage_path('app/google-service-account.json')),
    'config'           => [],

Step 5: Clear Configuration Cache

Remember to clear the configuration cache after making changes:

php artisan config:clear
php artisan config:cache
php artisan cache:clear

Generate Process Google Sheets Data Controller

Step 1: Retrieve Data

Get the $spreadsheetId from the URL of the sheet.

!Spread sheet Id

Define the $ordersSheetName as orders!A2:F6, which is the name of the sheet paper and its range.

use Revolution\Google\Sheets\Facades\Sheets;

public function index()
    $spreadsheetId = '1-ftqLjH8-rB2gNRro7uEq8j0j42oGqMvyKOw0v5__bE';
    $spreadsheetProductId = '14jNcQTMwAlRcx_JJpNszqovWzuBwrjKWvw4eZeotzJw';
    $ordersSheetName = 'orders!A2:f6';

    $productsSheetName = 'products!A2:D6';
    $orders = Sheets::spreadsheet($spreadsheetId)

    $products = Sheets::spreadsheet($spreadsheetProductId)

    return response()->json(['orders' => $orders, 'products' => $products]);