
Simple REST API using Express with TypeScript, PostgreSQL, and Prisma to practice the Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Clean Architecture: TypeScript Express API

By employing clean architecture, you can design applications with very low coupling and independent of technical implementation details. That way, the application becomes easy to maintain and flexible to change. Clean architecture allows us to create architectural boundaries between dependencies which allows components to be swapped in and out and be intrinsically testable.


1. Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/AhmedRaouf481/CleanArchitecture.git

2. Move the project's directory:

cd CleanArchitecture/

3. Copy .env.example file into .env file and fill it with your environment variables:

cp .env.example .env

Using npm

Make sure you have Node.js, PostgreSQL, and MySQL installed

node -v
npm -v
psql -V
prisma -V

4. Install the needed npm packages:

npm install

5. Build the application:

npm run build

6. Start the application:

npm start

Folder Structure

Let's use files and folders to structure our application. Doing this allows us to communicate architecture intent:

│── index.ts
│── presentation
│   ├── controllers
│   │   └── UserController.ts
│   └── routers
│       └── userRouter.ts
├── domain
│   ├── interfaces
│   │   └── userModel.ts
│   ├── services
│   │   └── UserServices.ts
│   └── use-cases
│       └── user
│           └── UserUseCases.ts
└── data
    ├── interfaces
    │   └── userDbInterface.ts
    └── data-access
        └── UserDataAccess.ts
  • The presentation layer would mainly be used for inputting and outputting user data (API routes).

  • The inner core domain layer holds all business logic (use cases, services).

  • The data layer holds all infrastructure implementations (data sources).