
app targets people who are looking to buy high quality furniture products for their house e.g : cupboards, chairs. And it targets merchants that sell furniture products to enable them to spread their markets and put their products online so everyone can check them out and order them.


Libraries and technologies used

  • Navigation component : one activity contains multiple fragments instead of creating multiple activites.

  • Firebase Auth : Manging Accounts/ Loging in and Registrations.

  • Firebase Firestore : Database for the system.

  • Firebase Storage : To store proucts images and user profile pictures.

  • MVVM & LiveData : Saperate logic code from views and save the state in case the screen configuration changes.

  • Coroutines : do some code in the background.

  • view binding : instead of inflating views manually view binding will take care of that.

  • Glide : Catch images and load them in imageView.

  • Dependency Injection - Dagger-Hilt

  • Flow - State Flow - Shared Flow