
a simple cli tool to help managing IPs

Primary LanguagePython

IP Management System

a simple IP management system developed using Python, Sqlachemy. Intended to be very minimal only 3 depdendency and you are good to go.


  • Manages and shows information about subnets.
  • Vlan management. Delete/add/modify a vlan.
  • Displays stats related to vlan and subnets.
  • Displays stats related to clients and shows ip information.

System prerequisits

  • python 3.8 is recommended
  • python requirements included in requirements.txt
  • sql alchemey 1.4.29 prerequisits


Backend is mainly python. System was intended to be extendable byeond a single interface. System was designed with extendability in mind. you can extend models and other class and implement your interface fairly easily.


Database included with the system is a simple sqllite3 database. With the power of sql alchemey you can connect to many other database types.


This app has a user friendly command user interface


Not done yet :(

System internals

  • System is designed to be extendable.
  • IBaseModel is the base class for all models. has some basic methods ready to be used/ overridden.

Class Diagram




You can easily browse project more thorough documentation using pydoc. first make sure you are on the project root directory then run python -m pydoc -b a local server will start and you will be prompted to docs through your brower.


  • go to the root directory of the project and run pip install -r requiremnts.txt
  • make sure you are on the root directory then run python main.py