An ATmega32-based parking system featuring keypad access, an LCD display, and alarm functionalities. It incorporates IR sensor utilization, PWM control, and secure ID entry.
- App: The main application file responsible for orchestrating program flow, managing the user interface, and handling interactions.
- IR_SENSOR: Manages the functionality of the Infrared (IR) sensor.
- KEYPAD: Handles keypad input for user ID entry.
- LCD: Provides functions for interfacing with the LCD display.
- DIO: Direct Input/Output module, used for controlling LEDs and the buzzer.
- EXTI: External Interrupt module, utilized for handling IR sensor interrupts.
- TIMER1: Timer0 module, employed for controlling PWM signals for Alarm System.
- TIMER1: Timer1 module, employed for controlling PWM signals for ServoMotor.
- BIT_MATH.h: A header file defining common bitwise manipulation macros.
- STD_TYPES.h: A header file defining standard data types.