
SmartHome Using Arduino Uno

Primary LanguageC++

Smart Home

Can you imagine your home when connected to internet and you can know happens your home it’s temperature , lights on or off ,air conditional and fans control ,password and fingerprint for your entrance and when any one goes in you can know him so we define all of this as smart home , everything is smart in your home, so we implement some sensors like (temperature, flame, rfid , finger print , light detective resistance ) and some motors and relays to can control the devices in your home like (fans , air conditioner).


Our project is small smart home which can show you some content of any smart it’s just proof of concept of smart home, So we use some sensor inside home like flame , temperature to know if there is fire in your home then sends the state to ubidots site which we use to can control the home and takes the reading from the sensor inside the home by using our main chip the nodemcu esp8266 which is the main part in our home The section which include the door is contains a lot of privacy features like keypad to insert password and RFID to check your id then finger print sensor The section which include the parking is consist of IR sensor to detect the car.


INSIDE HOME: include all sensors in home and relays to control device OUTSIDE HOME • PARKING : include sensor to open door when car enters • Door: include RFID sensor, lcd to enter password from keypad • Control unit : include Nodemcu esp8226 and voltage source to control all the sensors and outputs connected to it


Inside our home we use many sensors and actuators which includes: Flame sensor : Flame sensor is the sensor which use to detect there is flame or not it’s contains Vcc pin which we connected it to 3.3v from nodemcu and Ground pin which we connected ground of nodemcu then takes its outputs our flame sensor is can work digital or analog we used the digital one which gives one when there is aflame and zero when not ,The opposite figure shows the flame sensor module .

Temperature sensor: Inside our home we used lm35 is Temperature sensor, whose output voltage varies, based on the temperature around it. It is a small and cheap IC which can be used to measure temperature anywhere between -55°C to 150°C. So we use it to know the temperature inside home and sends it to our dashboard in ubidots , the lm35 is consists of 3 pins one Vcc to Nodemcu and another one to ground and the third one is analog pins which takes the reading. The opposite figure shows the lm35.

Relays: inside our home we use relay to can control an AC device like fan our phone charger we use relay since we can’t drive 220v AC from Nodemcu so we connect switch to the AC source and open when the relay takes high input the AC source is open so our device will operate when the relay takes low the Switch off .there two figure which shows the relay module and what is inside the module

We connect two lamps to relay and AC sources which connect to relay we connect from dashboard of ubidots sites . 3.2 OUTSIDE HOME SECTION Door section: we used lcd to view want wants from you to enters the door the first asks you to put your finger print so we used finger print sensor then asks to pass the ID so we used and RFID sensor to check if your id is true or not the asks to enter password so we used keypad to enters the password if the password is wrong the Nodemcu send an email that’s wrong password is enter.

Parking section:

we needs the parking door to open when the car is enter so we used an servo motor which connected to the IR sensor which check if there is something passes or not

Control unit section:

In the control unit we used an nodemcu esp8622 which is contains an wifi module and lots of communications protocols like spi,i2c,uart and gpio put the pins is not enough so we used shift register to can connect many digital pins and multiplexer to can connect many analog pins . The opposite figures shows The nodemcu esp8266


So now we need our system to be connected the internet and sends the data to internet and sends mail when wrong password is insert or when there is fire in home so we choose an UBIDOTS site which shows our variables in dashboards and can control the relay by put switch to on and off lamps and all , and we can makes an events to happened when any variables change like if the temperature is high will send notification that it’s hot inside your home .the figure shows you the dashboard that views you the variables changes and switches .