
This repository contains some machine learning projects as a practise on machine learning course on Coursera for Prof. Andrew Ng from Stanford University.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This repository contains some machine learning projects as a practise on machine learning course on Coursera for Prof. Andrew Ng from Stanford University.


  • PC
  • MATLAB or Octave


  • Project1: Purchase Prediction Project : *This project is an application on Classification using Logistic Regression algorithm. We have dataset for people who purchased a specific production. We have ID, Gender(1 for males and 0 for females), Age, Salary and purchase status (1 for purchasing and 0 for not). we need to classify it by Age and salary for purchased and not purchased people and develop our prediction model depend on the given dataset. I used people whose age is dividabe by 2 as a Training Set and tested my model by people whose age is not dividabe by 2 as a Test set.
    • To test this run Purchase.m script on MATLAB or Octave, but make sure that all files in your directory.
    • After that you would show 2 figures: Figure1 and Figure2.
    • I also calculated the accuracy of the model after testing the training set and print it to the workspace.

Coursera course Assignments