This Project uses ANTLR java parser to detect the line blocks which was executed from an input java program.
- Ahmed Nasser Ahmed
- Ahmed Hesham Salah
- Ahmed Younes Ibrahim
- Mohamed Adel Mahmoud
- Use ANTLR Java grammar.
- Test the grammar on a simple Java program to show the parse tree.
- Show the starting rule of the grammar (compilationUnit).
- Write a Java program based on ANTLR that takes a java file as an input and outputs a modified intermediate Java file (injected code).
- Run the modified intermediate generated Java file to show which blocks of the code are Entered..
Use the output from Week 2 to generate an HTML with highlighted red/green lines for Entered/UnEntered blocks.
Full documentation using doxygen for the classes and functions developed only.
Make sure that the pipeline does not include any manual effort.
Show at least 3 Java examples that shows difficult scenarios.
- For the first Example:
- Then all the required files are generated automatically with a simple run of "Injector" driver code (in the main method)
- For the Second Examble:
- For the third Examble: