
CMPN462 Cognitive Robotics Term Project

Primary LanguagePython

Cognitive Robotics SLAM 1.0

How to Run the Project

  • first Run Gazebo and Rviz
    roslaunch summit_xl_sim_bringup summit_xls_complete.launch
  • Then In the project folder open a terminal and run
    source ./devel/setup.bash
    roslaunch launcher_pkg run_all.launch

Directory Structure

├── build
├── Cognitive Robotics - Project document  .pdf
├── frames.pdf
├── imgs
│   ├── Map.png
│   └── ourMap.png
├── README.md
└── src
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── launcher_pkg
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   ├── launch
    │   │   └── run_all.launch
    │   └── package.xml
    ├── mapping_pkg
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   ├── msg
    │   │   └── Readings.msg
    │   ├── package.xml
    │   ├── script
    │   │   ├── mappingWithKnownPoses.py
    │   │   ├── __pycache__
    │   │   ├── sensorAlignment.py
    │   │   └── utils.py
    │   └── src
    └── motion_pkg
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        ├── package.xml
        ├── script
        │   └── motion.py
        └── src


Real Map

Real Map

partially Generated Map

Our Map


Map Visualization with high noise odometry parameters is not clear, due to different particle maps overlapping
