Google Africa Developer Scholarship Phase II (GADS 2020)

Associate Android Developer Practice Project (AADPP)

Building a GADS Leaderboard Mobile Application


This project is a very simple Android Project that aimed to implement some simple concepts that are very important as far as Android Development is concerned.

In this project, we implement a mobile design of the GADS 2020 Leaderboard. The mobile App will display
1 - Top 20 learners in the Learning Leaders’ category
2 - Top 20 learners in the Skill IQ Leaders’ category.

This project includes:

  • Multi-Activitys
  • Multi-Fragments
  • View pager 2 - ViewPagerAdapter with TabLayout
  • RecyclerView - RecyclerViewAdapter with ViewHolder
  • SwipeRefreshLayout
  • Customizing Toolbar
  • AlertDialog with custom layout
  • Making Network Request using Retrofit
  • Loading images from Network using Glide
  • Working with Google Form and many more...


The data gotten by making a network request to the following API endpoints:

Base URL The data is in json format.
Learning Leaders - /api/hours
Skill IQ Leaders - /api/skilliq

The submission will be done through the App. The projectin the GitHub and include screenshots of the App in the Repo.

To submit project
Make a NETWORK POST request to this Google Form using any network library. [Retrofit is recommended.]
Base url -
Form ID-1FAIpQLSf9d1TcNU6zc6KR8bSEM41Z1g1zl35cwZr2xyjIhaMAz8WChQ/formResponse
Entries IDs:

  • Email Address = entry.1824927963
  • Name = entry.1877115667
  • Last Name = entry.2006916086
  • Link to project = entry.284483984

All resources and designs needed for this project here


Splash Screen Loading Learners Connection Error
No Data Available Loading Top Learners Top Learners
Loading Skilled IQ Learners Skilled IQ Learners Submit Project Screen
Submit Project Submit Project Loading Submission Project Successful
Submission Project Failed