
Todo list app for add and remove notes to database, using Room database and LiveData and ViewModel

Primary LanguageJava


This is Todo list app for add and remove notes to database, using Room database and LiveData and ViewModel

I use in this project:

1 - Using Room Libraray to deal with database for better performance, less boilerplate code, SQL validation at compile time.

2 - Using Dao interface for accessing data from Room database.

3 - Using Live Data to observe changes in database when it happens.

4 - Using View Model to catch data and return it to views when configuration changes(rotate device).

5 - Using Life Cycle to allow non-lifecycle object to be lifecycle aware.

6 - Using Executors to run background tasks.

7 - Using View Model Factory to create ViewModel with multiple arguments.

8 - Using Intent for moving and passing data between activities.

9 - Using RecyclerView and RecyclerView ViewHolder for viewing data for better performance.

10 - Using Card View to view each Note in a card.

11 - Using TextView for note description and Radio Button for priority and Fab to add new note.

12 - Using ItemTouchHelper for delete note on on Swipe
