Hi, I'm Waren Gonzaga (:coffee::computer::bulb::heart:)

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Typing SVG

I'm a Filipino freelance software engineer, opensource developer advocate, cybersecurity researcher, and technopreneur from the Philippines. Kumusta ka!

Waren Gonzaga's Dev Card

🎙 Recent Tech Talks • 📦 Open Source Updates

  • 💪 Currently working as a freelance software engineer.
  • 🔏 Bug bounty hunter in free time.
  • 💝 Author of multiple open source projects (~40 to date).
  • 💼 Founder and CEO, WG Co., a start-up MSP for start-ups and MSMEs.
  • 👨‍🔬 Founder and CEO, Amihan Tecchnologies, a tech start-up.
  • 🖥️ Founder and Lead Developer of Wareneutron Developers, popular pinoy open-source dev team.
  • 💞 Executive Director, Algo Filipino, non-profit organization for language and technology.
  • ☕ Coffee lover, turning it into code, you can buy me a coffee!
  • 🏆 2021 Goals:
    • Become part of GitHub Stars.
    • Contribute and publish more open source projects.
    • Publish my first SaaS project.
    • Improve and expand my freelancing business.
  • 🎯 Wasting my time to save other people's time.
  • 💡 Learn more about me.

🎧 Spotify Playing

Christian Pop Music Programming Music KPOP Music PPOP Music


🔧 Technologies

HTML5CSS3JavaScriptNodeJSPHPWordPressSASSNPMGithubBitbucketGitlabGitVSCodeVueJSFlutterReactJSAngularJSWindowsUbuntuLinuxKali LinuxConsole

🌏 My Community

Wanna see some of my future projects? Join today!

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🍀 Sponsors and Supporters

BuyMeaCoffee Vercel CircleCI GitBook Digital Ocean Deepware NOWPayments StackHawk

and you... buy me a coffee if you love what I do!

📰 Latest Blogs Posts
💻 GitHub Activities
  1. 💪 Opened PR #129 in thirdweb-dev/contracts
  2. 💪 Opened PR #276 in thirdweb-dev/typescript-sdk
  3. 🗣 Commented on #275 in thirdweb-dev/typescript-sdk
  4. ❗️ Closed issue #4 in warengonzaga/buymeacoffee.js
  5. 🗣 Commented on #4 in warengonzaga/buymeacoffee.js
🏆 GitHub Awards

Github Trophy

GitHub Stats

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💻 Made with ❤️ by Waren Gonzaga with YHWH 🙏 | Citizen of Heaven ▶️