This repository is to showcase Graph implementations and its use-cases in Python.
- AdjMatrixGraph: Implementation of a base class for Undirected & Directed graphs
- AdjMatrixUndiGraph: Implementation of Undirected Graphs using adjacency matrix.
- AdjMatrixDiGraph: Implementation of Directed Graphs using adjacency matrix.
- DFS: Implementation of Depth First Search
- BFS: Implementation of Breadth First Search
- GraphUtil: Implementation of a base class for Undirected & Directed Graph Util
- UndirectedGraphUtil: A utility class for undirected graphs.
- DirectedGraphUtil: A utility class for directed graphs.
- visualize: Visualizes the given graph(s) using networkx
- samples: Visualizes the sample datasets provided within the repository.
Here are some screenshots of the visualization results of the samples. is a great application of the Graph data structure. It's used to find the shortest path in a 10x10 maze. An Undirected Graph and BFS Algorithm are used in this application.
Here is a YouTube video ,recorded by me, showing how it's used.