
ceng-407-408-project-sensor-programming created by GitHub Classroom


To install the app, firstly, you must have Google Play installed on your Android Device.

If you have Google Play installed, you need to download the application called Arduino Bluetooth Controller.

To be able to connect to the application, Bluetooth must be turned on.

After downloading the application, you should connect the Bluetooth Module (HC-06) with using password “1234”.

Then, select the HC-06 and user will see some selection.

Select in the menu “Controller Mode” and the user should set those input value to any button showing in “Controller Mode”.

Figure shows how we can change buttons.

As shown in the picture, when we click on the symbol in the upper right corner, we can assign the desired value to the buttons.

When we press the Start button, the program starts running. With the Select key, we can select the desired key.

The keys and values we assign in our project are as follows:

= Forward Button

= Backward Button

= Left Button

= Right Button

= Stop Button

= Automatic Mode (without Bluetooth Control)