

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Run all models

  1. Download the notebook. You can upload to Google Colab or run on your own computer.
  2. Add files in ‘data’ to your working directory.
  3. Run cells in 1 to 4. Skip 5.
  4. To see sample plot, run cells in 6

Run the best model

  1. Download the notebook. You can upload to Google Colab or run on your own computer.
  2. Add files in ‘data’ to your working directory.
  3. Run cells in 1 to 3, and data loading cells in 4-1 and 4-2
  4. Run cells in 5

Below is a brief description of the notebook.

1. Data load

1-1. Generating feature matrix via the paper way

  • load_ZINCdataset1 and load_CEPdataset1 returns data including one-hot encoded matrix of atomic features

1-2. Variation of the features

  • load_ZINCdataset2 and load_CEPdataset2 returns data including atomic feature and molecular feature encoded matrix

2. Model Implementation

2-1. GatedSkipConnection (GATE) & SkipConnection

  • implementation of skip connection and gated skip connection

2-2 Graph Convolutional Networks

implementations of Attention and gate-augmented graph convoutional networks

  • Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) with skip connection
  • Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN) with gated skip connection
  • Graph Attention Networks (GAT) with skip connection
  • Graph Attention Networks (GAT) with gated skip connection

Graph Isomorphic Networks

  • Graph Isomorphic Networks (GIN)
  • Graph Convolution Netowkrs (GCN)
  • Graph SAmple and aggreGatE (SAGE); mean aggregator version

3 Modified SAGE layer

3. Training

3-1. Train, test and runner functions

4. Experiments

4.1 Experiment 1; one-hot feature training

  • run torch models GCNwithSkip, GCNwithGate, GATwithSkip, GATwithGate, and torch_geometric models GIN, GCN, SAGE, modified_SAGE with data loaded by 1-1 functions

4.2 Experiment 2; atomic feature training

  • run the same models by loading data (1-2) with args.mol_dim = 0

4.3. Experiment 3; training with atomic and molecular features

  • run the same models by loading data (1-2) with args.mol_dim = 19

5. Best model, configuration, and data representation methods

  • hyperparameter settings for best performance in LogP, TPSA, SAS, CEP
  • the pretrained model load function

6. Plotting result

  • Reproducing result
  • Compare three feature encodings

experiment log.xlsx file

  • saved all experiment records (288 model configuration and 3 type data representation method)