
A port of Werks ULD library for OpenGL (WebGL + fragment shader)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A port of Werks ULD library for OpenGL (WebGL + fragment shader)

Video demonstrating one screensaver-ish animation (unfortunately, low quality - the real thing is smooth):


Try this from the online in-browser cloud9 IDE!

  • Go to https://c9.io/ and sign up/in. You can sign in with your GitHub account.
  • Create new workspace -> Clone from URL: git@github.com:Ahnfelt/uld-hd.git
  • Open the workspace for editing.
  • Click on the "bash" tab in the bottom of the window and run these commands:

cabal update

cabal install mtl

  • To generate your first shader, run:

runhaskell Examples/TimeLens.hs

  • This will generate a TimeLens.hs.html file. Right click on this file and select "preview". If you have WebGL enabled, this will show an animation (otherwise you'll get a blank page).

When you want to try another example, simply runhaskell Examples/SomethingFooBar.hs and then click the refresh icon on the tab that displays the animation.