
Shows Discord user is typing on a given text channel

Primary LanguagePython


Shows Discord user is typing on a given text channel


  1. Install Python
    • Make sure to add Python to path when installing it, check the box add to path at the setup. If you already have a terminal running, close it and then reopen it after installing python. This is necessary for python commands to be detected by the terminal.
  2. Download the repository by clicking green button "Code" > "Download ZIP". Extract it.
  3. Open your preferred terminal, and move into the directory of the extracted ZIP by entering cd <path to the folder you extracted from zip> (Do not include < >).
    • Terminal e.g. Command Prompt on Windows, Bash on Linux.
    • On Windows, you can also click the file location bar in explorer. Replace the full location with the word cmd and hit enter, to open the terminal at that location.
  4. Install the required dependencies by typing pip install -r requirements.txt into the terminal. Enter.
  5. Run the program by typing python main.py. Enter.
    • On Linux, you possibly have to enter python3 bot.py.
  6. Insert the token and channel ID.
  7. Enjoy!
    • Press Ctrl+C (Ctrl and C altogether) to stop the program.
