
This is a C++ driver for the BMI323 tri-axis accelerometer/gyroscope. It was developed on a NUCLEO-H723ZG development board with MbedCE

Primary LanguageC++


This is a C++ driver for the BMI323 tri-axis accelerometer/gyroscope. It was developed on a NUCLEO-H723ZG development board using MbedCE on a windows computer.

The goal is to have compability with both SPI and I2C. For my purposes, it sufficies to have compatability for it's gyro, accel, and temp sensor.

Basic Pre-Reqs:

You'll need CMake, ARM's bare-metal toolchain, and a Generator for your binaries (Ninja is recommended, but you can use make, mingw32-makefiles, or whatever tickles your fancy).

the Mbed-os wiki provides great setup guides for these! https://github.com/mbed-ce/mbed-os/wiki/Toolchain-Setup-Guide

If you like debugging via VS code, there are also environment/toolchain setup guides: https://github.com/mbed-ce/mbed-os/wiki/Project-Setup:-VS-Code https://github.com/mbed-ce/mbed-os/wiki/Project-Setup:-Command-Line

You will also need a serial terminal. I recommend using something like TeraTerm for windows or Minicom for Mac/Linux. https://tera-term.en.softonic.com

Dev Board Configuration

We made the dev-board for the BMI323 ourselves on Altium. We found the NUCLEO dev-board schematics after some laborious digging through the St resources folders (they hid the schematics under CAD resources???). Go under schematic pack and you get a sense for where we determined the PinNames for our driver testing: https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/nucleo-h723zg.html#cad-resources

Code Testing

To test out and run the code in this repository, make a build directory under where you cloned this repo. Depending on the generator you use, you can change the parameter following the -G flag. I am using a STLink to flash my code, so I am prepending the -DUPOAD_METHOD=STM32CUBE flag. You will also have to change the parameter following the -DMBED_TARGET flag according to your CPU. I am using the STM32H723ZG. You can find your appropriate target under the mbed-os folder, and navigating to the targets directory.

You can learn more about upload methods here: https://github.com/mbed-ce/mbed-os/wiki/Upload-Methods

If you have a custom target, you can also take a look at the MbedCE Wiki: https://github.com/mbed-ce/mbed-ce-custom-targets#readme

run the following command in your build directory (replace the upload method and target accordingly): cmake .. -G Ninja -DUPLOAD_METHODSTM32CUBE -DMBED_TARGET=STM32H723ZG

You will then be able to run the test suite and attempt to read from the IC (provided you have your pins connected correctly) via: ninja flash-test_BMI323