
A comprehensive Next JS template using Chakra UI, Sanity, Cypress

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Next JS Template

A template built on the following stack:

To start:

npm install
npm run dev



Table of Contents

  1. Components
    1. Generate Components
    2. Page
    3. AnimatedPage
    4. Nav
    5. FormInput
    6. FormikInput
    7. Anchor
    8. Head
    9. Footer
    10. TextButton
    11. Link
    12. Socials
    13. Contact (optional)
  2. Theming
  3. CMS
  4. Testing
  5. Animations
  6. SVG
  7. Icons
  8. CI/CD


The template contains common components that I use in my projects. You can delete them if you don't need them.

The component files follow the following conventions (all files and directories are in camelCase):

📁 folderName
    📄 componentName.ts # implementation
    📄 index.js # to export components and types
    📄 types.ts # for types and interfaces
    📄 animations.ts # for animations
    📄 # other files as required...

Generate Components

There is a script to generate components with all the required files. Use it like this:

npm run gen-component ComponentName


A utility component that contains a Head, a Nav and a Footer.

<Page title="About">
    <p>Page content</p>


  • title: string: The title of the page
  • description: string: The description of the page to be used in meta tags
  • imageUrl: string: The URL of the image to use in the meta tags
  • robots: string: The robots meta tag value


An animated variant with enter and exit animations is also available:

<AnimatedPage title="About">
    <p>Page content</p>

It has a fade animation by default. The animations are powered by Framer Motion. You can specify your own animation using the animationVariants prop.

        enter: { opacity: 0 },
        exit: { opacity: 0 },
        animate: { opacity: 1 },
    <p>Page content</p>


  • animationVariants: PageAnimation: The animation variants to use for the page. Includes three Variant objects: enter, exit and animate.
  • animateContentOnly: boolean: Whether to animate the content only or the whole page (content + footer + nav).


A simple nav component with a logo and links.

<Nav />

A collapsible, full-screen nav for mobile devices is also available:

<CollapsibleNav />

To switch to the collapsible navbar on mobile (this has already been done by default in the template):

const isSmallScreen = useBreakpointValue({
    base: true,
    xs: true,
    md: false,

return isSmallScreen ? <CollapsibleNav /> : <Nav />;

You can edit the breakpoints in theme/core/breakpoints.ts


A wrapper around the Chakra Input component. It adds a label, an error message as well as options to change label and error styles. There is also a FormTextArea component for text area input.


  • label: string: The label text
  • error: string: The error message
  • labelPosition : 'top' | 'placeholder': top is the conventional label position above the input, placeholder puts the label as a placeholder inside the input.
  • errorPosition : 'bottom' | 'icon': bottom puts the error message below the input, icon puts the error message inside the input as an icon.
const [value, setValue] = useState('')
return (
        onChange={(event) => setValue(event.target.value)}
        isInvalid={value === ''}
        error="This field is required" />
    <FormTextArea label="Message" />


A wrapper around the FormInput component that uses the Formik library. There is also FormikTextArea for text area input.


  • fieldName: string: The name of the field in the formik state
  • label: string: An optional label. If not provided, the fieldName is used as the label (capitalized)
    initialValues={{ name: "", password: "", confirmPassword: "" }}
    {() => (
        <FormikInput name="name"/>
        <FormikInput name="password"/>
        <FormikInput name="confirmPassword" label="Confirm Password"/>
        <FormikTextArea name="message"/>


A wrapper around NextLink and a.


  • href: string: The URL to link to
  • isExternal: boolean: Whether the link is external or not. External links are opened in new tabs.
<Anchor href="https://www.google.com" isExternal>


A wrapper around NextHead. Adds a title as well as common meta tags such as robots, og, twitter etc. Customize it to your needs. It is already included in the Page component.

    description="This is my about page"


  • title: string: The title of the page
  • description: string: The description of the page to be used in meta tags
  • imageUrl: string: The URL of the image to use in the meta tags
  • robots: string: The robots meta tag value


A basic footer with a logo, socials and a copyright message. It is already included in the Page component.

<Footer />


A clickable plain text button with an underline animation on hover.

<TextButton label="Click Me" onClick={()=>{...}}>


A wrapper around Anchor and TextButton. If the current page is the same as the link, the link is underlined.

<Link label="About" href="/about">


A stack of social icons. Customize the icons and hrefs to your needs.

<Socials direction="column" spacing="1rem" />

Contact (optional)

If you quickly need a contact form, you can bootstrap a contact component with:

npm run add-contact

This adds

  • nodejs-nodemailer-outlook to send email
  • A Contact component in /components that contains some basic fields using Formik
  • A contact api endpoint in /api that sends the email
  • A ContactData interface in /interfaces that defines the contact data

The email is sent to your email address through an intermediary address. This is a rudimentary method. You should consider replacing it with a email service like Mailgun or SendGrid.

To specify the required email info, copy the env.local.example file to a env.local file and fill out the variables.


The project already has Chakra's recommended theme directory structure set up.

📁 theme
    📄 index.js  # theme entrypoint
    📄 styles.js  # global style overrides
    📁 core
        📄 borders.js  # border overrides
        📄 colors.js  # color overrides
        📄 # and so on...
    📁 components
        📄 button.js  # button overrides
        📄 input.js  # input overrides
        📄 # and so on...

Check out the Chakra docs on how to customize the theme. Theme typings have also already been set up.


You can use any CMS with this template. There is a script that sets up a Sanity CMS for you. Use it like this:

npm run init-cms

It sets up the Sanity studio inside the cms directory. It also sets up types generation for your schema. You can update the types like so:

npm run gen-sanity-types

To start the studio:

npm run cms

To use the client:

import sanity from "@/cms/sanityClient";

// `posts` is a schema
const posts = await sanity.getAll("posts");

Example usage in getStaticProps:

import sanity from "@/cms/sanityClient";
import { UnwrapPromise } from "@/types/unwrapPromise";

export const getStaticProps = async () => {
    const posts = await sanity.getAll("posts");
    return {
        props: {

// Get typings for the static props
type Props = UnwrapPromise<ReturnType<typeof getStaticProps>>["props"];

const Articles: NextPage<Props> = (props) => {
            {props.posts.map((post) => (

The default client is a sanity-codegen client that allows us to use typescript for our schemas. You can use any other client you want like next-sanity.


Cypress is installed as the default testing tool for e2e, component and unit testing. To start cypress:

npm run dev # Your project should be running for e2e tests
npm run e2e

Check out the docs for more info on how to use cypress.


Framer Motion is used for animations. The AnimatePresence component that allows exit animations has already been setup in /pages/_app.tsx.


SVGR is used to import SVG files. To import an SVG file, add it to the /public directory (ideally in the svg folder):

📁 public
    📁 svg
        📄 logo.svg

Then, in your component, import the SVG file:

import Logo from "@/public/svg/logo.svg";
<Logo width="5rem"/>


React Icons is used for icons. You can search for icons here and click to copy the icon name. Then import them like:

import { FaTwitter } from "@/icons/fa";
import { IoIosArrowForward } from "@/icons/io";
import { MdArrowBack } from "@/icons/md";
// And so on...

To use the Chakra theme with the icons:

import { FaTwitter } from "@/icons/fa";
import { Icon } from "chakra/react"


Github Actions is used for CI. A run-cypress-tests.yml file is included in .github/workflows/ that runs cypress tests on each push.

Another workflow file is added when you run npm run init-cms in .github/workflows/deploy-cms.yml that deploys the Sanity CMS on each push. You can customize it to your needs.