
Pro Bulk Sms Sender app is an open source Android application with a material design theme. A simple easy to use Android app for sending bulk SMS to multiple recipients. It is a powerful open source application and small in size.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Pro Bulk Sms Sender app is an open source Android application with a material design theme. A simple easy to use Android app for sending bulk SMS to multiple recipients. It is a powerful open source application and small in size. It allows us to send customized SMS messages through their carrier network and easy to cancel the on-going operation. Easy to track the on-going Bulk SMS operation.

Here's the demo of Pro Bulk Sms Sender Application.

Here is the link of demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28KWJWpS5wk

Here is the link for applying dual sim configuration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbXx1p4bMHc

Here is the link for cancelling the on-going Bulk SMS operation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnZQwo1F6tE

Features of Bulk Sms Sender

  1. Material Design
  2. Kotlin Coroutines
  3. Implemented MVVM Architecture
  4. Kotlin Extension Functions
  5. Kotlin Koin
  6. Room Persistence (SQLite Database)
  7. Work Manager
  8. Material Dialog
  9. Kotlinx Serialization

For more information on how to use the application see this link(https://ahsensaeed.com/android-open-source-code-bulk-sms-sender-application).