Examples of Protected Attributes in Python 🐍🛡️

This repository contains examples of Python code that illustrate the usage of protected attributes in classes. Protected attributes are those that have an underscore at the beginning of their names, indicating that they should be treated with caution and that direct access from outside the class is not recommended.

Example Files

  • product_class_example.py: This file demonstrates how to use protected attributes and methods to manage product information in an inventory system.

  • animal_class.py: In this file, an Animal class is introduced with protected attributes representing the name and species of an animal, along with methods to access and modify these attributes.


  1. Clone this repository or download the example files individually.

  2. Run the example files in your Python development environment to observe how protected attributes are used in practice.


Feel free to add more examples of protected attributes or enhance the existing ones. Contributions are welcome and will help enrich the content of this repository.


This repository was created by Cristina and is intended to serve as a reference for understanding how to work with protected attributes in Python.

I hope these examples prove to be useful for learning and applying object-oriented programming concepts in Python!