Pinned Repositories
This Flow will Send Notification After Number of days selected by User.
Created a flow automation which update prefix in phone and fax with Mailing country value in contact.
To develop a profitable portfolio, it is essential to become familiar with its fundamentals and the factors that influence it.
This is Football (soccer) tournament django temple
*********Django Task********* Screen 1: Login Form 1.Email (Input) 2.Password (Input) 3.Login Button 4.SignUp Link Screen 2: Sign Up Form 1.Username 2.Email 3.Password 4.Confirm Password 5.Address Screen 3: User Detail Page 1.All User Detail except password will be shown in table 2.There will be edit and delete option in every row. 3.On Edit option a modal will be option where user details will be edited 4.On delete user details will be deleted 5.Logout option Note:- User authentication will be through JWT token and Session Should expire in 5 min.
using Beautyful soup library visit
You should provide a new user registration page, which should contain three inputs i.e Username, Password, Confirm Password, and an arithmetic captcha (Place a check for existing usernames, place a check for an alphanumeric password which is at least 8 characters long, Place a check for Confirming two passwords and Place a simple arithmetic captcha verification for example 2+3=? ) You should provide a login page with two inputs i.e username and password. After Being Logged in, the user should be able to create an article with two mandatory fields i.e Description and an image (You can add other fields if you want) and save it either in PUBLIC or PRIVATE mode. The Welcome page after logging in should show the user’s own posted articles(If any) and a link to create new articles(Shown in Step-3). Logged in users should have the ability to search other users and look at their PUBLIC articles only(exclude the PRIVATE articles). The user should be able to Log out and be reverted back to the login page.
AhteshamSid's Repositories
This Flow will Send Notification After Number of days selected by User.
Created a flow automation which update prefix in phone and fax with Mailing country value in contact.
:books: Freely available programming books
Django Blog Application is built with django framework of python language
To develop a profitable portfolio, it is essential to become familiar with its fundamentals and the factors that influence it.
I used Beautyful Soup library of Python to scrape Data which Scrape data from any dynamic website - Infinite scrolling, dropdowns, log-in authentication, AJAX
You should provide a new user registration page, which should contain three inputs i.e Username, Password, Confirm Password, and an arithmetic captcha (Place a check for existing usernames, place a check for an alphanumeric password which is at least 8 characters long, Place a check for Confirming two passwords and Place a simple arithmetic captcha verification for example 2+3=? ) You should provide a login page with two inputs i.e username and password. After Being Logged in, the user should be able to create an article with two mandatory fields i.e Description and an image (You can add other fields if you want) and save it either in PUBLIC or PRIVATE mode. The Welcome page after logging in should show the user’s own posted articles(If any) and a link to create new articles(Shown in Step-3). Logged in users should have the ability to search other users and look at their PUBLIC articles only(exclude the PRIVATE articles). The user should be able to Log out and be reverted back to the login page.
using Beautyful soup library visit
*********Django Task********* Screen 1: Login Form 1.Email (Input) 2.Password (Input) 3.Login Button 4.SignUp Link Screen 2: Sign Up Form 1.Username 2.Email 3.Password 4.Confirm Password 5.Address Screen 3: User Detail Page 1.All User Detail except password will be shown in table 2.There will be edit and delete option in every row. 3.On Edit option a modal will be option where user details will be edited 4.On delete user details will be deleted 5.Logout option Note:- User authentication will be through JWT token and Session Should expire in 5 min.
Create an application that has two apps. 1. User with user and Post model User : first_name, last_name, email, password, username Post : user, text, created_at, updated_at Foreign key relationship exists between User and Post on Model level not on Database level. 2. Products app with Product model. Product : name, weight, price, created_at, updated_at Both of the apps should use two different databases.
This is Football (soccer) tournament django temple