Aziy - The Learning Revolution NFT Collection (Candy Machine)

This README file provides instructions on deploying and interacting with the Aziy NFT collection created using the Solana Candy Machine and Phantom wallet.


  • Node.js and npm (or yarn) installed on your system.
  • A Solana developer account with sufficient SOL for deployment fees.
  • A Phantom wallet installed and configured with your Solana account.


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd aziy-nft-collection
    npm install
  3. Update configuration:

    • Open the candy-machine-config.js file.
    • Update the following fields:
      • Solana_program_library_address: Replace with the address of the @solana/spl-token library (obtain from the Solana devnet documentation).
      • treasury_account: Replace with the public key of your Solana wallet where you want to receive SOL from NFT sales.
      • gatekeeper: Set to null for a public mint (no gatekeeping).
      • You can explore other configuration options in the file for customizing the mint price, supply, etc.
  4. Build the Candy Machine:

    npm run build
  5. Deploy the Candy Machine:

    npm run deploy
    • This command will prompt you for your Solana wallet's private key. Enter it securely (it won't be stored anywhere).
    • The script will deploy the Candy Machine to the Solana devnet and print the Candy Machine ID.

Minting with Phantom Wallet:

  1. Open the Candy Machine minting website (replace <candy_machine_id> with the ID obtained from deployment):<candy_machine_id>
  2. Connect your Phantom wallet to the website.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the minting process. You may need to approve the transaction with your Phantom wallet.

  4. Once successful, your Aziy NFT will be deposited into your Phantom wallet.

Additional Notes:

  • This is a basic setup for demonstration purposes. Consider security best practices when deploying Candy Machines on a mainnet.
  • You can explore further customization options provided by the Candy Machine documentation.
  • For testing purposes, you can use faucets to obtain SOL for your developer account on the Solana devnet.
