
Communoté is a platform to share notes between college students.

Primary LanguagePHP

DigitalOcean Referral Badge


Communoté, a platform to share notes between college students.

Run it locally



  1. git clone git@github.com:Ahzed11/Communote.git && cd Communote
  2. composer install && yarn
  3. Fill the required parameters in the .env file. This will require an Amazon S3 Bucket and an Azure app id. If you don't want to create an app in Azure, you can still change the way of authenticating in security.yaml and re-enable the needed routes/pages.
  4. php bin/console doctrine:databse:create && php bin/console doctrine:schema:create
  5. symfony server:start in one terminal.
  6. yarn encore dev --watch on an other.

Bug Report

Do not hesitate to open an issue if you discover a bug. However, if it is security related, please do not open an issue and send me an email.