
Python version Bypass the Event Trace Windows(ETW) and unhook ntdll.

Primary LanguagePython


「⚙️」python version Bypass ETW & Ntdll Unhooking

Bypass the Event Trace Windows(ETW) and unhook ntdll.

         _______           _______  _        _______ _________
        (  ____ \|\     /|(  ____ \| \    /\(  ____ \\__   __/|\     /|
        | (    \/| )   ( || (    \/|  \  / /| (    \/   ) (   | )   ( |
        | (__    | |   | || |      |  (_/ / | (__       | |   | | _ | |
        |  __)   | |   | || |      |   _ (  |  __)      | |   | |( )| |
        | (      | |   | || |      |  ( \ \ | (         | |   | || || |
        | )      | (___) || (____/\|  /  \ \| (____/\   | |   | () () |
        |/       (_______)(_______/|_/    \/(_______/   )_(   (_______)


[i] Hooked Ntdll Base Address : 0x00007FFA9A110000
[i] Unhooked Ntdll Base Address: 0x00007FF7C970F000

[+] PID Of The Current Proccess: [1956]

[#] Ready For ETW Patch.
[+] Press <Enter> To Patch ETW ...

[+] ETW Patched, No Logs No Crime !
  1. Displays a banner and initializes variables.
  2. Opens the ntdll.dll file using CreateFileA.
  3. Creates a file mapping using CreateFileMappingA with the PAGE_READONLY and SEC_IMAGE flags.
  4. Maps the file into memory using MapViewOfFile.
  5. Calls the UnhookNTDLL function to unhook the Ntdll.dll library.
  6. Displays the address of the unhooked Ntdll base.
  7. Cleans up the mapped file and handles.
  8. Displays the current process ID and waits for user input.
  9. Calls the FuckEtw function to patch the ETW.
  10. Displays a message indicating that the ETW has been patched.