
Latent Space Optimization over AtlasNet Point Cloud Generation

Primary LanguagePython


Latent Space Optimization over AtlasNet Point Cloud Generation. Paper available here.

Steps to Run Ellipsoid Experiments

  1. Generate the ellipsoid data set with the command python AtlasNet/auxiliary/ellipsoid_dataset.py This will populate the directory 'AtlasNet/data/ellipsoid_points/' with 6250 elliposoid point clouds drawn from the distributions illustrated in Figure 5 of the paper.

  2. Run LSO with the command python multi_run.py --lam_array 0.4 0.2 0.1 This will run 5 trials of LSO for the Naive method and SP-LSO with each of the above lambda values and 35 Differential Evolution iterations per trial. The parameter num_params should be left at its default, as it must match the latent space size of the pre-trained AtlasNet model included in AtlasNet/trained_model. This is left as an optional parameter for a user who would like to train their own AtlasNet model with a different latent space dimensionality.