Prerequisite: mysql installed, or alternative database
cd Tweets-Database-Manager/
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# upgrade your pip, make sure pip -V is 18.1, otherwise, update
pip install -r requirements.txt
- db_manager: using library sqlalchemy (ORM) to control the connection between the database and *models, (init the table) (I wrap up some functions here as well)
# after entering the python CML in virtual environment
import app
from app.db_manager import *
m = Manager()
# m.create_all() # create the table under tw_test database # init the table
# m.drop_all() # drop the table under tw_test database # empty the data
# m.reset_all() # call drop_all then create_all
db_models: the setting of tweets storing in database, like user_name = Column(Text, nullable=False)
json_handler (testing, not finish): using library ijson (read json in the stream, which should be faster than regular loading) (extract needed data, then assign that info to the tweet *model, then add and commit to the database)
fake: used to create fake tweet data, can be used into test function
template.env & grab tweets using official API pre-process raw tweets message
The preprocessor supports:
- Reading the output path and debug mode from parameters in the command line.
- Reformat tweets source file from .dat format to .csv format. (Since eventually we would like the files being in .csv file format)
- Emoji/Few-word/Emoticon/Multi-punc filter (These are regular pre-processes on tweets data, for better evaluation later)
- Generate n-gram: the final step for pre-processing Tweets data, to prepare for Chonghan’s adjacent metrics evaluation.