
React Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is express-react-typescript application

This is anyFin backend API server.

Setup Backend;

  1. Go to backend root and run $ npm install;

MongoDb setup;

  1. dbname:'anyfin,
  2. dbuser: 'tony,
  3. password: 'password'

To create db and connect

  1. To crate database: use anyfin.
  2. To create user run: db.createUser({user:"tony",pwd:"password",roles:[{role:"readWrite",db:"anyfin"}]})
  3. Update FIXER_ACCESS_TOKEN at in backend/credentials.ts file
  4. To run backend: npm start
  5. If cannot register or login then place this code inside server.ts file right after db coonection if cant able to register or login.
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ email: String, name: String, password: String});                        
export const userModel = mongoose.model<User & mongoose.Document>('User', userSchema);
  1. To test backend: npm test
  2. API endpoint: {host}:{port}/api/

Frontend setup;

This is anyFin front UI components.

##$ To Setup:

  1. Go to frontend root and run $ npm install;
  2. To run frontend: npm start
  3. Routes: {host}:{port}/ and {host}:{port}/countries

Created By Aziz (Tony)