
A search engine for company documentation

Primary LanguageVue

SWE 5001 Architecting Scalable Systems - Practice Module Project

Tests Build

A search engine for company documentation

The company has many teams writing technical documentation on Google Docs for their products and processes.

But knowledge sharing across teams is hard because there is no good way to search the body of text on Google Docs.

In addition, employees find some documents especially useful and want to highlight them in search results.

We propose building a search engine for the company’s documentation that learns which documents are useful to employees and helps employees find them.

For more info, see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iPhPTKiz3b44uG7y99aJp4WtUJptwGFWjQ8SRrf9LaE/edit

Key committers

Lim Xing Kang Norman @frenoid
Tay Yijun @tay-yijun
Joseph Zhou Weixin @joswx
Tonay Aizize Abuduaini @Aibier

Platform design

Platform design

Bounded contexts

Bounded contexts


Architecture diagram


Data flow

Google Drive to S3 connector


Google Drive is an example repository of company documentation. Files uploaded to Google Drive will be made searachable in our document search service after being indexed.

An asynchronous service running in EC2 looks up files uploaded to GDrive in the last 24 hours and uploads them to an AWS S3 as files of 10 records each.

DocumentDB and loader


The MongoDB is our first semi-structed data sync. The DB is loaded by an event triggered AWS lambda function.

Each S3 PUT / POST request to s3://nus-iss-group-3 triggers the lambda function to scan the csv file and upload the records as documents in MongoDB for further consumption.

User clicks and up-votes in the search service and also recorded here to improve future search results.

ElasticSearch cluster and loader


The loader runs every 24 hours in an EC2 instance and works by reading all documents in MongoDB and loading them into ElasticSearch.

Each run creates a new index in ElasticSearch.

Search service backend and frontend


This is our user-facing component surfaces our indexed documentation.

Users are given an interface to search for the documentation they want and access relevant documentation.

User clickthroughs are also recorded to improve the search alogrithms. Users can also up-vote relevant results and down-vote less useful results.

Our Platform


Need for documentation readers to find documents relevant to them. In return documentation writers find their intended audience and get feedback on how to write better documentation.


For the publishers: modular integration with multiple document sources. Wherever you write, you can integrate with our system (GDocs, GDrive, OnDrive, Dropbox). For the publishers: get the documentation seen by the right people if they connect to our system. For the consumers: always find the documentation you really want. For the consumers: search engine improves results the more you use it. For the consumers: search results are continuously improved with the internally developed feedback loop to collect and learn from users’ search history and feedback.


Documentation writers.


Documentation readers. We propose a platform to enable the following use cases:

  • Teams can publish documentation to a Cloud Storage
  • The platform can index the text in the Cloud Storage
  • The platform can make these documents easily searchable
  • Teams needing the documentation can easily find the documents they want on the platform
  • Document consumers can give feedback on the documentation and rank the documentation by usefulness
  • The platform will improve the search algorithm to give better results based on user feedback
  • The platform will record user views and behaviour on the platform and use machine learning to recommend other useful documents to each user

To Run

Setup all cloud resources with Terraform configuration

All the cloud infrastructure included in this project are documented as Terraform configuration. This helps to improve the maintanabiltiy and extensibiltiy. Teams are allow to build, change and version the infrastructure safely and efficiently. It also makes redeployment in different environments simpler. Users are able to scale up/down the resource via configuration update and re-apply. It's also a easier way for management to have an overview on all the resources plan, monitoring the usage and make necessary adjustment at ease.

Terraform structure

└── terraform
    ├── versions.tf
    ├── variables.tf
    ├── provider.tf
    ├── main.tf
    ├── env_init.sh

How to run:

cd terraform
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply

Files included:

  • versions.tf: document the terraform and required service provider versions.
  • variables.tf: document the necessary environment variales (e.g. key-names, iam role)
  • provider.tf: document the necessary provider configuration
  • main.tf: document all resources' configuration, set up based on service nature
  • env_init.sh: script to execute when creating the defined EC2 instance, to ensure instances are created with necessary package installed and environment variables enabled