Motivation 🧠

This project was created to inform about all the data related to COVID-19 from around the world since it started until today.

Build status 📄

Build Status

Screenshots 🖥️

This is the Covider's Logo

This is an image

These are the page views:

This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image This is an image

Tech/framework used 🔌

  • HTML - utilizado para crear la estructura básica de la página web
  • CSS - utilizado para estilizar la interfaz de usuario
  • JavaScript- utilizado para el desarrollo de página web
  • npm - utilizado para manejar las dependencias

Technology stack ⚙️

Installation 🧑‍🔧

API Reference 👩‍💻

Click here

How to use? 🔑

  • First, in te project directory run $ npm install
  • Then, in the project directory run $ npm start

Contributors 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

License 🔐