
Scaffolding for CloudNative buildpacks

Primary LanguageGo

CNB Buildpacks Templates

Each subfolder defines the scaffolding for a buildpack in a particular language:

  1. Go - buildpack scaffolding using libcnb in Go
  2. Bash - buildpack scaffolding targetting GNU bash

Creating a Buildpack

Follow the pack install instructions to install the pack CLI for your platform. On successful completion pack --version should show a version number of 0.28 or greater.

Creating a buildpack identified as examples/my_buildpack results in a scaffolded buildpack in the my_buildpack folder:

$ pack buildpack create
? Enter a directory in which to scaffold the project: bash_buildpack
? Enter an identifier for the buildpack: examples/my_buildpack
? Choose the buildpack API version (use the default if you are unsure):
  ▸ 0.7
✔ Enter the initial buildpack version: 0.0.1
✔ Enter a stack this buildpack will support by default: io.buildpacks.samples.stacks.bionic
✔ Enter a valid Go module name for this buildpack: github.com/user/buildpack
Successfully created examples/my_buildpack