
Discord Bot for the Rice server with over 1000 members.

Primary LanguagePython

Rice Bot


Rice bot is an all purpose Discord bot meant for the Baby Owls Discord Server. It is coded by Aidan Gerber. You can DM Aidan on Discord and he will add new features to the bot.


Use ^help to get a list of all commands. Most commands have aliases. You can find the fully up to date list of aliases in main.py in case I forget to update them here.

Full Command Name Alias Function
advice fortune_cookie Get fortune-cookie-esque advice
answer a Answer a trivia question
astronomy_picture apod, space, space_picture Get the NASA astronomy picture of the day
bball slug basketball_stocks, basketballstocks Get the price of a player on basketballstocks.com using their slug
bread_pun bp Random bread pun
bruhCount bc Get top 10 bruh counts
bruhCounter_enabled bce Admin only command to change whether the bruh counter is enabled
change_presence cp Admin only command to change bot presence
chess_stats username chess Get stats about username on chess.com
chuck_norris chuck, norris Random Chuck Norris fact
command_frequency frq, cfrq Get the amount of times that each command has been run
friends_quote fq Random Friends quote
get_aliases aliases, alias, docs Get a list of command aliases
get_code code Get the code for this bot
guess g Answer a stock question
kanye_west kanye Random Kanye West quote
stock_outlook stock Get a random outlook for stock
number_fact number num, num_fact, number Get a random fact about number
nba_player name nbap Get nba player advanced stats by name
nyt_popular nyt Get the real time most popular New York Times article
ping get_ping Get bot ping
pong ping
random_xkcd xkcd Get a random xkcd
randrange x y Get a random number between x and y
recent_xkcd cxkcd, rxkcd Get the most recent xkcd
recipe dish ingredients cook Get a random version of dish that contains ingredients
sentiment_analysis text sentiment, emotion, feeling, feel Sentiment analysis of text
stock_guess sg The bot picks a random stock and you guess the value of 1yr change,market cap, pe, or forward pe
stock_outlook so Get an outlook for a stock. The outlook is randomly selected
taylor_swift_quote tsq Random Taylor Swift quote
text_gen text ai_text_gen, ai_text_generation, ai Generate a paragraph from text using AI
trivia trivia_question, triv Get a random trivia question
trendy_reactions react, reaction_images Get a list of classic reaction photos
wikipedia_most_monthly wikim Get the most visited wikipedia pages last month
wikipedia_most_visited wiki Get the most visited wikipedia pages yesterday
would_you_rather wyr Get a would you rather
would_you_rather_list wyrl, wyrx Get a would you rather and exclude questions from a list
yang yin
yahoo_finance_trending count yft Get Yahoo Finance Trending stocks list for count
yin yang
yo_mama ym, yomama, yomomma Get a random yo mama joke, potentially offensive or nsfw because I didn't write these