
A repository to store notes on classes from the Bachelors of Science degree program I'm currently enrolled in.

BSCS Class Notes and Resources

A repository to store notes on classes from the Bachelors of Science degree program I'm currently enrolled in.

  • For my Tips on studying, getting into reading, and more, click here.
  • For my Book recommendations page, click here. (NOTE: This is still under construction)


I decided to create my own repo of notes and resources for the BS in CS program I'm in after seeing the current one from the WGU BSCS group was empty and I didn't recognize a lot of the course numbers from my BSCS program on it. I've been an avid follower of the school subreddits and have followed the posts on many courses for the last few years, saving links to many for future reference. One day (as in, last week), I decided that I needed to start taking my studies far more seriously so I decided to learn GitHub and create repositories for notes on the classes I was taking. Eventually, after seeing the WGU BSCS's empty repo I decided I would create something similar to keep track of all of the links I'd been saving. And that's about it.

Once I had a few readmes drafted up I decided to just turn it into a project to share with everyone else too. As it turns out, when you're taking a 100% online degree, pushing and pulling yourself through classes full of new concepts alone isn't super easy. A pretty big component of this university now is the amount of student-generated resources designed to help newer and struggling peers. So that's what this repo is. I'm hoping to compile all of the good stuff into a single place, organized in a way that no matter where you're at, you'll find something in here that'll get you past the finish line.

How You Can Help

Obviously trying to figure out what resources will work for every kind of learner for every course and managing the updates to courses is already a challenge. For courses I've transfered in (and therefore have no idea what is important to study) and courses that have significantly changed since I took them I have to rely on the observations and opinions of others. However, if you've taken one of those courses or even if you've found something helpful for a course that I don't have in here, please feel free to fork this repo and submit a pull request. As long as it isn't something that could get this repo taken down or someone expelled (OA questions/answers, PA projects/papers, etc), you're good. Eventually I'll have a regular pull request guideline up...

What's Coming Next

Hey everyone, it's been a while since the last update. I'm still working on updating all of the repo pages with new resources and writeups using GitHub Flavored Markdown. However, I've been a bit slower at this than I would've liked because I've been working on classes myself. I did make some additions you might enjoy. At the top I've added links to the new tips and book rec pages, as promised. While the book rec page continues to be updated, I hope my tips page proves helpful. I also haven't forgotten about the chatbot I promised, it is coming, just not immediately.

So what's like next-next for this repo? In this order:

  • I'm going to be finishing the updating on the existing pages first.
  • Then I'm going to finish adding the remaining links to the book rec page.
  • Then I'm going to add onto this main page the other IT programs with their course lists and link the courses that are covered in this course to it.
  • Then I'm going to probably spend a lot of time researching the other degree programs and then add their pages in one big update.
  • And the chatbot with course recommendations. Although for data I'm going to need some volunteers to fill out a survey.


Below is a list of the classes in the BSCS program. Everything that's linked has its own readme on this repo with information you might find helpful regarding said course. Links to write-ups by the reddit communities, learning resources, textbooks that might help, and some general information like what kind of course it is and, if I've completed it, a write-up of with my own thoughts on the course.

Classes In Repo
C182 Introduction to IT C955 Applied Probability and Statistics C779 Web Development Foundations[C] C255 Introduction to Geography
C172 Network and Security - Foundations C958 Calculus I C455 English Composition I C173 Scripting and Programming - Foundations
C165 Integrated Physical Sciences C959 Discrete Mathematics I C960 Discrete Mathematics II C683 Natural Science Lab
C464 Introduction to Communication C952 Computer Architecture C867 Scripting and Programming - Applications C175 Data Management - Foundations
C170 Data Management - Applications C963 American Politics and the US Constitution C100 Introduction to Humanities C482 Software I
C195 Software II - Advanced Java Concepts C176 Business of IT - Project Management C949 Data Structures and Algorithms I C950 Data Structures and Algorithms II
C961 Ethics in Technology C836 Fundamentals of Information Security C191 Operating Systems for Programmers C188 Software Engineering
C846 Business of IT - Applications D191 Advanced Data Management[N] D194 IT Leadership Foundations[N] C768 Technical Communication
C951 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence C857 Software Quality Assurance C964 Computer Science Capstone

[C] - This symbol is to denote a course recently underwent a significant change, so the content on its readme may be slightly outdated in some areas. If you've taken it since the changes were implemented and would like to help us update the course page, please submit a pull request!

[N] - This symbol is to denote a course is new to the program and may not have a lot of resources for it yet. If you've taken it and would like to offer some advice or learning resources for the readme, please submit a pull request!

[X] - This symbol is to denote a course that does not yet have a readme page in the repo...but definitely will soon!