Raspberry Pi Synchronized Video Playback

[Last Updated June 2022]

This guide covers the setup and use of multiple Raspberry Pi 4 Model B computers for synchronized video playback across any number of projectors or screens.

How does this work?

This setup allows for any number of Raspberry Pi computers to start video playback simultaneously. A separate server (which could be run on one of the Raspberry Pi's or on another computer) will tell the clients when to start playback.

  1. Clients will each run a Node.js script which repeatedly attempts to open a websocket connection (using the socket.io library) to a server.
  2. Once the server is launched, it will accept these incoming socket connections and send a 'stop' message to each of its clients.
  3. Clients will stop any current video playback.
  4. Server will launch a 'go' command to clients.
  5. Clients will start video playback using the ffplay utility.


  • Raspberry Pi video playback is not the best...


Install Raspberry PI OS onto SD Card

Using the Raspberry Pi Imager tool, install the Raspberry Pi OS 32-Bit (Debian Bullseye, released 2022-04-04) to your SD card. Press the gear icon to set a login password and WiFi settings (SSID and Password).

Advanced Settings

Minimal Interface

Insert the newly created Raspberry Pi Once booted into the Raspberry Pi using the SD card setup during the previous steps, ensure that we are using a minimal interface.

  • Right click on Desktop, then click on Desktop Preferences

    • Set Layout to No image
    • Set Colour to black
    • Uncheck Wastebasket and External Disks to ensure they are not shown on Desktop
    • Click Ok
  • Right click on Taskbar, then click on Task Bar (Window List) Settings…

    • Uncheck Flash when there is a window requiring attention
  • Right click on Taskbar, then click on Panel Settings…

    • Under Notifications tab, uncheck Show notifications
    • Under Advanced tab > Automatic hiding group
    • Check Minimize panel when not in use
    • Set Size when minimised to 0 pixels

At this point, you should see a black desktop with your mouse over it. Never fear! We will remove the mouse soon!

Install Prerequisites

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs npm unclutter

Install RPI Media Player

git clone https://github.com/AidanNelson/rpi-media-player.git 
cd rpi-media-player/client
npm install

Create Startup Script

sudo nano /etc/xdg/autostart/rpimediaplayer.desktop

Add the following:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/npm run --prefix /home/pi/rpi-media-player/client start   

Save this (control-x) then press enter

Remove Splash Screen


Set Static IP on eth0

  • Right click on the network icon in the taskbar, click into "Wireless & Wired Network Settings..." set up eth0 interface to have IP of 192.168.1.X and router at Uncheck autofill rest of parameters and check disable ipv6

sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt Then, replace “console=tty1” with “console=tty3”. This redirects boot messages to tty3.

Remove other things Still in “/boot/cmdline.txt”, add below at the end of the line

splash quiet plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles logo.nologo vt.global_cursor_default=0