
An unofficial Pytorch implementation of "Improved Baselines with Momentum Contrastive Learning" (MoCoV2) - X. Chen, et al.

Primary LanguagePython

Unofficial Pytorch Implementation of MocCoV2

Unofficial Pytorch implemnentation of MoCoV2: "Improved Baselines with Momentum Contrastive Learning."

This repo uses elements from CMC and MoCo Code, in which the MoCoV2 model is implementated into my existing pytorch Boilerplate and workflow. Additionally, this repo aims to align nicely with my implementation of SimCLR found here:.

Work in progress, replicating results on ImageNet, TinyImageNet, CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10.


Top-1 Acc / Error of linear evaluation on CIFAR10:

Testing is performed on the CIFAR10 Val set, whilst the Train set is split into Train and Val for tuning.

Method Batch Size ResNet Projection Head Dim. Pre-train Epochs Optimizer Eval Epochs Acc(%)
MoCoV2 + Linear eval. 128 ResNet18 128 1000 Adam 100 -
MoCoV2 + Linear eval. 128 ResNet18 128 1000 SGD 100 -
MoCoV2 + Linear eval. 128 ResNet34 128 1000 Adam 100 -
MoCoV2 + Linear eval. 128 ResNet34 128 1000 SGD 100 -
MoCoV2 + Linear eval. 128 ResNet50 128 1000 Adam 100 -
MoCoV2 + Linear eval. 128 ResNet50 128 1000 SGD 100 -
Supervised + Linear eval. 128 ResNet18 128 1000 SGD 100 -
Random Init + Linear eval. 128 ResNet18 128 1000 SGD 100 -

Note: For Linear Evaluation the ResNet is frozen (all layers), training is only perfomed on the supervised Linear Evaluation layer.




Usage / Run

Contrastive Training and Linear Evaluation

Launch the script from src/main.py:

By default the CIFAR-10 dataset is used, use --dataset to select from: cifar10, cifar100, stl10, imagenet, tinyimagenet. For ImageNet and TinyImageNet please define a path to the dataset.

Training uses CosineAnnealingLR decay and linear warmup to replicate the training settings in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.05709.pdf. The learning_rate is plotted below:


To train with Distributed for a slight computational speedup with multiple GPUs, use:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nnodes=1 --node_rank=0 --nproc_per_node=2 --use_env main.py

This will train on a single machine (nnodes=1), assigning 1 process per GPU where nproc_per_node=2 refers to training on 2 GPUs. To train on N GPUs simply launch N processes by setting nproc_per_node=N.

The number of CPU threads to use per process is hard coded to torch.set_num_threads(1) for safety, and can be changed to your # cpu threads / nproc_per_node for better performance. (fabio-deep)

For more info on multi-node and multi-gpu distributed training refer to https://github.com/hgrover/pytorchdistr/blob/master/README.md


To train with traditional nn.DataParallel with multiple GPUs, use:

python main.py --no_distributed

Note: The default config selects to use --no_distributed, therefore runnning python main.py runs the default hyperparameters without DistributedDataParallel.

Linear Evaluation of a Pre-Trained Model

To evaluate the performace of a pre-trained model in a linear classification task just include the flag --finetune and provide a path to the pretrained model to --load_checkpoint_dir.


python main.py --no_distributed --finetune --load_checkpoint_dir ~/Documents/MoCo-Pytorch/experiments/yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss/checkpoint.pt


The configuration / choice of hyperparameters for the script is handled either by command line arguments or config files.

An example config file is given at MoCo-Pytorch/config.conf. Additionally, .txt or .conf files can be passed if you prefer, this is achieved using the flag --c <PATH/TO/CONFIG.conf>.

A list of arguments/options can be found below:

usage: main.py [-h] [-c MY_CONFIG] [--dataset DATASET]
             [--dataset_path DATASET_PATH] [--model MODEL]
             [--n_epochs N_EPOCHS] [--finetune_epochs FINETUNE_EPOCHS]
             [--warmup_epochs WARMUP_EPOCHS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
             [--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--base_lr BASE_LR]
             [--finetune_learning_rate FINETUNE_LEARNING_RATE]
             [--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY]
             [--finetune_weight_decay FINETUNE_WEIGHT_DECAY]
             [--optimiser OPTIMISER] [--patience PATIENCE]
             [--queue_size QUEUE_SIZE] [--queue_momentum QUEUE_MOMENTUM]
             [--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--jitter_d JITTER_D]
             [--jitter_p JITTER_P] [--blur_sigma BLUR_SIGMA BLUR_SIGMA]
             [--blur_p BLUR_P] [--grey_p GREY_P] [--no_twocrop]
             [--load_checkpoint_dir LOAD_CHECKPOINT_DIR] [--no_distributed]
             [--finetune] [--supervised]

Pytorch MocoV2 Args that start with '--' (eg. --dataset) can also be set in a
config file (<PATH>/MoCo-Pytorch/config.conf or specified via -c). Config
file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see
syntax at https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one
place, then commandline values override config file values which override

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-c MY_CONFIG, --my-config MY_CONFIG
                      config file path
--dataset DATASET     Dataset, (Options: cifar10, cifar100, stl10, imagenet,
--dataset_path DATASET_PATH
                      Path to dataset, Not needed for TorchVision Datasets.
--model MODEL         Model, (Options: resnet18, resnet34, resnet50,
                      resnet101, resnet152).
--n_epochs N_EPOCHS   Number of Epochs in Contrastive Training.
--finetune_epochs FINETUNE_EPOCHS
                      Number of Epochs in Linear Classification Training.
--warmup_epochs WARMUP_EPOCHS
                      Number of Warmup Epochs During Contrastive Training.
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                      Number of Samples Per Batch.
--learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                      Starting Learing Rate for Contrastive Training.
--base_lr BASE_LR     Base / Minimum Learing Rate to Begin Linear Warmup.
--finetune_learning_rate FINETUNE_LEARNING_RATE
                      Starting Learing Rate for Linear Classification
--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                      Contrastive Learning Weight Decay Regularisation
--finetune_weight_decay FINETUNE_WEIGHT_DECAY
                      Linear Classification Training Weight Decay
                      Regularisation Factor.
--optimiser OPTIMISER
                      Optimiser, (Options: sgd, adam, lars).
--patience PATIENCE   Number of Epochs to Wait for Improvement.
--queue_size QUEUE_SIZE
                      Size of Memory Queue, Must be Divisible by batch_size.
--queue_momentum QUEUE_MOMENTUM
                      Momentum for the Key Encoder Update.
--temperature TEMPERATURE
                      InfoNCE Temperature Factor
--jitter_d JITTER_D   Distortion Factor for the Random Colour Jitter
--jitter_p JITTER_P   Probability to Apply Random Colour Jitter Augmentation
                      Radius to Apply Random Colour Jitter Augmentation
--blur_p BLUR_P       Probability to Apply Gaussian Blur Augmentation
--grey_p GREY_P       Probability to Apply Random Grey Scale
--no_twocrop          Whether or Not to Use Two Crop Augmentation, Used to
                      Create Two Views of the Input for Contrastive
                      Learning. (Default: True)
--load_checkpoint_dir LOAD_CHECKPOINT_DIR
                      Path to Load Pre-trained Model From.
--no_distributed      Whether or Not to Use Distributed Training. (Default:
--finetune            Perform Only Linear Classification Training. (Default:
--supervised          Perform Supervised Pre-Training. (Default: False)


Install dependencies with requrements.txt

pip install -r requrements.txt




  • Command Line Argument for MoCo V1 or V2
  • Research and Implement BatchNorm Shuffle for DistributedDataParallel
  • Run All Experiment Comparisons