
vi /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gun/qt-chooser/default.conf

Qt Modules

  • Basic
    • Qt Core
    • Qt GUI
    • Qt Quick
    • Qt QML
    • Qt Test
    • Qt Network
    • Qt Multimedia
    • Qt SQL
    • Qt Webkit
    • Qt WebKit Widgets
    • Qt Widgets
  • Extended
    • Qt 3D / Qt Bluetooth / Qt Contact
    • Qt Location / Qt Organizer / Qt Sensors / Qt Publis and Subscribe
    • Qt Service Framework / System Info / JSON DB / Versit / Wayland / Feekback


CONFIG += C++11

Concrete QWidget

class MyWidget: public QWidget {
	MyWidget() : QWidget() {}
	~MyWidget() {}

public slots:	// optional parameters, dependents on signal functions, // void return, need implementation
	void button_click();

signals: 	// no return value, optional parameters // only declare, no implementation
	void show_hide_signal(int a);


  • MOC is not the only code generator. Another code generator that Qt uses is uic (User Interface Compiler).
  • UIC reads user interface described in XML and creates C++ code that sets up the form.

MOC (meta-object compiler)

  • The program that handles Qt's C++ extensions.
    • moc reads C++ source, if it contains Q_OBJECT macor, it produces another C++ file which contain the meta object code for those classes.


  • one signal func can connect to multiple slots function, invoke order is undefined
  • multiple signal can connect to one slot
  • one signal can connect to another signal
    • the slot func of the signal can emit another signal


  • member func, static func, global func, lambda func(since QT5)
    • Lambda
      int a = 20;
      [=]() mutable -> int {
      	a = 100;
      	return a;
  • slots function parameter could be less than the parameter in signal func
    • if slots func has parameters, it should be the same order / type with signal func
  • when one object is deleted, QT disconnect all slots connected to the object automatically

slot/signal in Qt 4

  • QObject::connect(&button, SIGNAL(clicked()), &app, SLOT(quit()));

  • Qt5

    • QObject::connect(&button, &QPushButton::clicked, &app, &QApplication::quit);
  • Lambda

    • QObject::connect(button, &QPushButton::clicked, secondWindow, [secondWindow]() { secondWindow->setText("clicked"); });
    • the 3rd parameter secondWindow is optional, but to specific it would prevent crash issue once secondWindow is deleted earlier than current connect.


  • adds features to C++ (MOC)
    • signals and slots
    • Properties
    • Event handlong
    • Memory Management
      • destruct all children first in its destructor


Q_GADGET is lighter version of Q_OBJECT, it doesn't have signal and slot.

The Q_GADGET macro is a lighter version of the Q_OBJECT macro for classes that do not inherit from QObject but still want to use some of the reflection capabilities offered by QMetaObject. Just like the Q_OBJECT macro, it must appear in the private section of a class definition.
Q_GADGETs can have Q_ENUM, Q_PROPERTY and Q_INVOKABLE, but they cannot have signals or slots.
Q_GADGET makes a class member, staticMetaObject, available. staticMetaObject is of type QMetaObject and provides access to the enums declared with Q_ENUMS.


  • relative path used in UI is related to Makefile
    • not UI file, not source file, not exe
  • when adding resource/image to resouce file, it must be inside the folder of project



1. Anchor

  • x, y, width, height could be affected by anchor
Rectangle {
	id: bg

	Rectangle {
		width: 40; height: 40
		y: 20
		anchor.right: bg.right
		anchor.top: bg.top 		// override y:20

2. Layout


  • e.ignore() generally is not used in override event functions, it may used in dialog close event.
class MyButton: public QPushButton {
	void MyButton::mousePressedEvent(MouseEvent *e) {
		if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
			qDebug() << "left button pressed";
			// e.ignore(); // this would pass the event to parent widget, not super class (inhereted class)

/// event filter

	MyLabel *label;

	bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e) {
		if (obj == lable) {
			if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) {
				// ...
		return QWidget::eventFilter(obj, e);

event filter

  • In QObject
  • return true : it won't forward anymore; return false : it will continue forward
  • event filter and the object/widget it filters MUST be in same thread



  1. QPixmap: optimized for scree, platform-related, cannot modify image
  2. QImage : platfor-unrelated, can modify pixes of image, can be drawn in thread
  3. QPicture : save paiting status in binary


QFileInfo q(path);
qDebug << q.fileName().utf8().data(); // multil-bytes


  • Def Logging category in code
bool Highscore::load(const QString &filepath)
    QLoggingCategory fcIo("fc.io");
    qCDebug(fcIo) << "Loading highscore ...";
  • Def Logging category in one place
// fclogging.h
#include <QLoggingCategory>

// fclogging.cpp
#include "fclogging.h"

Logging Rules

  • Rules can be defined in config file or in code
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    // ...

// ~/.config/QtProject/qtlogging.ini:
