
Personal developing tips

Primary LanguageShell


  1. Git
    1. show size info of a history file
    2. checkout/reset/revert/clean
    3. Merge / Conflict
    4. stash
    5. branch
    6. submodule
    7. .git
    8. git log
    9. tilde(~) caret(^) at-sign(@)
    10. stash file to patches
  2. Windows
  3. macOS
  4. Markdown
  5. Shell
  6. Vim
    1. tabs
  7. Python
  8. Chrome
  9. Ubuntu
  10. CentOS
  11. Java
  12. CPP
  13. XPath
  14. VMWare
  15. JIRA
  16. UML
    1. Class relationship
    2. Composition v.s. Aggregation
  17. Regexp
    1. online tool
  18. Opensource


show size info of a history file

There is a file A, I want to check its size in version HEAD~2:

>>> $ git ls-tree -rl HEAD~2 A
100644 blob f787098xxxxx 1231 A

100644 is the file size of A with version HEAD~2. To make the size info readable for human:

>>> $ git ls-tree -rl HEAD~2  A | awk '{ size = $4; units = "B"; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; units = "KB"; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; units = "MB"; if (size > 1024) { size /= 1024; units = "GB"; } } } printf "%s %s\n", size, units; }'

1.5571 MB


  • recover/undo previous git reset --hard

    • use git reflog to show history
    • use git reset --hard <hash> to recover the old files
  • If you want to revert changes made to your working copy, do this: git checkout .

  • If you want to revert changes made to the index (i.e., that you have added), do this.

    • Warning this will reset all of your unpushed commits to master!: git reset
  • reset --soft a specified file with path git reset <commitid> -- path/to/file

  • If you want to revert a change that you have committed, do this: (it will generate a new revert commit in git log) git revert <commit 1> <commit 2>

  • If you want to remove untracked files (e.g., new files, generated files): git clean -f

  • Or untracked directories (e.g., new or automatically generated directories): git clean -fd

  • checkout remote branch to local with diff name git checkout -b <local_branch_name> <remote_name>/<remote_branch_name>

Merge / Conflict

  • fix conflict by accepting others/ours
git checkout --theirs <conflicted_file>
git checkout --ours <conflicted_file>


  • stash specific files

    • git stash -- <file>
  • speed up clone: git clone https://github.com.cnpmjs.org/xxxxx/xxxxxxx.git

  • Fatal: Refusing to merge unrelated histories New repo was created via UI with init commit. At the same time, git add at local and with another init commit. When git pull at local, git treats those two as diff trees since they don't have same origin. Solution 1: using git clone to clone repo to local Solution 2: git pull origin [repo] --allow-unrelated-histories

  • force pull a repo to overwrite local changes

    git fetch --all
    git reset --hard origin/master
    git pull --force # not work if repo has forced push
  • bisect - Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug

  • force overwrite local untracked files

    git fetch --all
    git reset --hard origin/master
  • change message of last commit

    git commit --amend
  • merge multiple commits into one

    # approach 1
    git reset --soft HEAD~n
    git commit --amend
    # approach 2
    git rebase --interactive HEAD~n
    # or
    git rebase -i <commit#>
    # then should pick ealy commit and squash later commit
    git rebase --continue
    # push to remote repository forcely
    git push origin <branch> --force
  • edit a pushed commit message

    git rebase -i '<commitno>^'
    # change pick to be edit, save
    git commit --amend
    git rebase --continue
    git push --force
  • edit last committed message

    git commit --amend
    git push --force    # if pushed already
  • stop tracking a file/directory

    git rm [-r] --cached filename/[directory_name] # --cached will keep the removed file locally
    git update-index --assume-unchanged filename
  • HTTP github clone on Windows error with message error setting certificate verify locations

    git config --system http.sslverify false   # this will switch off the ssl verify for ALL http connections
  • checkout or pull a folder/file instead of the whole repository

    mkdir myrepo
    cd myrepo
    git init
    git remote add -f origin github/aidysun/repo.git
    git config core.sparseCheckout true
    echo "folder_a/" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
    git pull
  • roll back specific file

    # undeleted files
    git checkout <commit> -- path/to/file
    # file were deleted and committed
    #    1. find the commit deleted the file
    git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- <deleted_file_path>
    #    2. checkout to the previous commit of commit deleted the file
    git log -- <deleted_file_path>
    git checkout <delete_commit>^ -- <deleted_file_path> 
    git checkout <before_delete_commit> -- <deleted_file_path> 
  • rollback a specific history commit

    • git revert undo the effects of only a certain commit
    • git reset is used to undo/delete all commits that came afterwards
      # rollback to <commit> and force push, ** histories will be deleted in log as well **
      git reset --hard <commit>
      git push origin master --force
    • For local changes, rollbace/rebase one commit
    • git rebase -i xxxxx^
  • show history and diff with file names

    git log --stat --oneline
    git diff --name-only
    git log -- file.ext     # by file
    git log -p              # print patch, source diff 
    git show <commit_no>    # show specific comment
    git log --grep="smth"   # filter by message
    git shortlog            # group my author
  • un-stage a file, won't delete from local workspace

    git reset -- <file>
    this won't actually un-stage a file, it just works for the new files that staged.
    it stages the removal file from the repo but leaves the file in your working tree
    git rm --cached 
  • rename a tag

    git tag new_tag old_tag
    git tag -d old_tag
    git push origin :refs/tags/old_tag  # this delete tag remotely, another way is git push --delete origin old_tag
    git push --tags
    # other to get the new tags
    git pull --purne --tags
  • merge a specific commit

    git cherry-pick <commit_no>
  • Splitting a subfolder out into a new repository

  • "refusing to merge unrelated histories”

    • git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories
  • rename file sensitively on Windows

    git mv -f Myfile myfile
  • Commit statistics : git shortlog -sn


  • show all branches

    git branch -a  # -r
    git branch -vv
    git remote show origin
    git ls-remote --heads origin
  • merge/checkout files from another branch

    # current branch master
    git checkout another_branch ./file1 ./file2
  • show branch name in bash command prompt

  • checkout one remote branch to local

    git checkout --track origin/branch
    # --track is shorthand for -b [local_branch] [remote]/[branch]


    git fetch origin anotherBranch:localBranch
    git branch
    git checkout localBranch
  • delete remote branch

    git push origin --delete branch_name
  • force push to remote repository

    git push origin <branch> --force


  • add - NOTE: .gitmodules should be committed for tracking

    git submodule add http....
  • clone / update submodules

    • when clone
    git clone --recurse-submodules https://main-repo
    • after clone (if --recurse-submodules was forgotten)
    git submodule update --init    # which is a combination of following two steps
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  • show submodules status

    git config status.submodulesummary 1
  • update submodules to latest

    git submodule update --init --recursive --remote [subModuleName]
    git submodule update --remote     # would update existing submodule to latest
  • how to remove a submodule

    0. mv a/submodule a/submodule_tmp
    1. git submodule deinit -f -- a/submodule    
    2. rm -rf .git/modules/a/submodule
    3. git rm -f a/submodule
  • Reinit all local submodules / cleanup messed submodules

    1. remove all submodules in .git/config
    2. empty folder .git/modules/*
    3. empty real path of submodules (may refer to the pathes in .gitmodules)
    4. git submodule update --init --recursive


  • shrink huge .git/objects
    git fsck 
    git prune

git log

  • show diff between branches, show differences in branch2 comparing to branch1
    git log --cherry branch1..branch2

tilde(~) caret(^) at-sign(@)

stash file to patches

git stash list | while read stash; do
    index=$(echo "$stash" | cut -d: -f1 |cut -d'}' -f1 | cut -d'{' -f2)
    echo $index
    git stash show -p "$index" > "stash_$index.patch"
# in target repo:
# git apply xxx.patch


  • search files by size in Explorer with keywords like * size:>50MB<100MB

  • Hide cmd window after launching an exe file in a bat/cmd file. Using start command.

    @echo off
    start aaa.exe
  • Outlook rules of same email address with different names

  • Manage stored certificates

    • Win+R control keymgr.dll
    • Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Credential Manager
  • turn off terminal bell in subsystem linux

    $ sudo vi /etc/inputrc
    set bell-style none
  • Screenshot of current window

    Win + Alt + PrtSc
  • Path of saved screenshot token with "Win+Shift+S"

  • Path of root of WSL Ubuntu from Store

  • copy multiple files between folders

    robocopy \src\dir  \dest\dir  file1.txt file2.pdf
  • task management in cmd

    tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq xxx.exe"
    taskkill /IM "xxx.exe" /F
  • Disable Hibernate to free up disk space

    • powercfg -h off
  • check user info and group info

    net localgroup [groupname] 
    net user username 
  • create directory symbol link

    mklink /D [to] [from] 
        /H  creates hard link
        /J  creates a directory junction
  • run as user

    runas /user:%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME% /savedcert "mklink /D C:/folder D:/folder"
    • /savedcert requires manually password input for the first run, logoff and login to make it work.
  • check architecture(x86 x64) of DLL

    REM run in Visual Studio Command Prompt
    dumpbin /HEADERS <your.dll> | more
  • determine .lib is static or dynamic

    REM run in Visual Studio Command Prompt
    lib /list xxx.lib     # xxx.dll - dynamic,   xxx.obj - static
  • Windows equivalent of wc -l in Batch, find /c /v ""

    keytool -list | find /c /v ""
  • run cmd from a specific folder in a new window

    start /D C:\Users cmd /k echo "Hello world."
  • Add "Open with Sublime Text 3" to Windows Explorer Context Menu

  • Visual Studio cleans wrong output directory when clean/rebuild?

    • Intermediate Directory - if two platforms share the same intermediate dir, this issue will happen ever they have diff output dir.
  • Unallocated space in USB flash drive, run diskpart

    disk list
    select disk 1
    clean partition primary


  • monitor a program by its name: monitor.sh

  • Use old build system with Xcode 10 and later : xcodebuild -UseModernBuildSystem=NO -project xxx

  • Remove download from info:

    xattr -r -d com.apple.metadata:kMDItemWhereFroms xxx.zip
    xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine xxx.zip
  • Sort child folders by size

    du -hc -d 1 | grep -v "/$" | sort -rh
  • "Your password does not meet the requirements", reset the password policy database:

    sudo pwpolicy -clearaccountpolicies
  • Storage management

    • ~/Library/Caches
  • if usb of MBR cannot charing iPhone

    sudo killall -STOP -c usbd
    sudo killall -CONT usbd
  • add user to group

    sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a aidy -t user wheelGroup
  • lockscreen using command

    /System/Library/CoreServices//Menu\ Extras/User.menu/Contents/Resources/CGSession -suspend
  • show/hide hidden files and directories in Finder

    alias showFiles='defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles YES; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app'
    alias hideFiles='defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles NO; killall Finder /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app'
  • find by name and execute command to results

    find . -iname 'xc*data' -exec git rm -r --cached {} \;
    # exec two grep commands, the 2nd one is based on 1st one's result
    find . -iname "*.ts"  -exec sh -c "grep  -H 'dt.an.13.030' -A 2 {} | grep -H '<translation>' " \;
  • list exported symbols of shared library

    nm -a log4cplus
  • Show build settings of Xcode projects

    xcodebuild -project myProj.xcodeproj -target "Release_Cocoa64" -showBuildSettings
  • Quick Look or Preview text files in Finder

    # e.g. xml files
    sudo  find . -name *.xml -exec SetFile -t TEXT {} ; 
    # alternative https://github.com/sindresorhus/quick-look-plugins?? not tried 
  • Cannot find dylib files when adding links in Xcode?

  • hostname

    scutil --get LocalHostName
    sudo scutil --set HostName new.host.name
  • enable built-in VNC control of macOS Mojave (10.14) when remoting desktop using VNC client

    1. Open System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Accessibility
    2. In Finder, navigate to /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/AppleVNCServer.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleVNCServer
    3. Add AppleVNCServer to granted list.
  • change default location to store screenshots

    defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/Pictures/screenshots/
  • mount writable NTFS hard disk

    0. plug NTFS usb
    1. sudo nano /etc/fstab
    2. LABEL=NAME none ntfs rw,auto,nobrowse
    3. Ctrl+O
    4. remove NTFS usb and reconnect it
    5. ls /Volumes
  • Accessing Grayed-out Preference Panes

    • Duplicate System Preferences.app, and delete NSPrefPaneGroups.xml.
  • Useful commands from linux

    • ulimit -a, at, cron


  • how to add page break in Markdown

    <div style="page-break-after: always"></div>
  • bookmark

    <a name="link_name">content to show</a>
  • Paste to Markdown


  • replace text content recursively

    find . -type f -name "config" -exec sed -i 's/aaa/bbb/g' {} \;
  • sort file by size: du -h -d 1 | sort -h -r

  • rename files/directories by regexp with find command (checked on Ubuntu)

    find . -type f -name "*OldFileName*" -exec rename -v 's/OldFile/new_file/' {} \;
  • diff

    • diff a.txt b.txt # normal diff
      • 3c3: 3-line num, c-change (d-delete, a-addition), 3-line number
      • <: delete, >: add
    • diff -c a.txt b.txt # context diff
    • diff -u a.txt b.txt # unified diff
  • margin setting for Ubuntu terminal : https://askubuntu.com/questions/115762/increase-padding-in-gnome-terminal

  • compare folders

    diff -rq folder1 folder2
  • rename files/folders with regex replacement

    # rename files contain "2017" to be "2018" 
    for f in *; do echo  mv "$f" "${f/2017/2018}"; done
  • screen - multiple session in one terminal, especially useful for linux terminal

    screen -ls
    screen -r xx # restore/reattach
    C-a w   / C-a "  # list all
    C-a n     # next
    C-a C-a
    C-a 0..9
    C-a '
    C-a k    # close current window in screen
    • .screenrc
      vbell on
      vbell_msg ''   # turn off wuff----wuff----!
      termcapinfo * vb=:   # set flash to a empty string
      • reload screenrc without restarting screen : Ctrl+a : source /etc/screenrc
  • why prefer $() to ` `

    • because $() can be nested
    • it doesn't need to escape
  • prefer [[]] to []

    [ "${name}" \> "a" -o "${age}" \< "20"]   # using []
    [[ "${name}" > "a" && "${age}" < "20"]]   # using [[]]
  • bash options

    set -o nounset
    set -o errexit
  • redirection in shell

    • 0: stdin, 1: stdout, 2: stderr
      ls a.txt b.txt > output.txt 2> error_output.txt
      ls a b c > all_output.txt 2>&1
      • >& redirects one out data stream to another
    • capture command output to file while alos viewing it live more
      command |& tee file.txt
  • Turn on ANSI color in Terminal, add following lines in ~/.profile

    export CLICOLOR=1
    export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced
  • show branch name in bash command prompt

    function git_branch() {
        git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
    export PS1="\n\[\e[1;33m\]\t \[\e[1;32m\]\w\[\e[0;33m\] $(git_branch) \n\[\e[1m\]\[\e[0;32m\]>>> \$ \[\e[0m\]"
  • copy files to local system via SSH

    scp -r username@ ~/Downloads
  • default parameter value

    set var1 = ${1:-default} # set var1 to be 'default' if $1 is not set
    set var2 = ${VARIABLE2:-empty} # set var2 to be 'empty' if $VARIABLE2 is not set
  • prompt for user input

    read -p "input a word: " inputtedVar
    echo $inputtedVar
  • auto input for prompt/password

    expect <<- DONE
    spawn scp $1 user@
    expect "password:"
    send -- "mypassword\r"
    expect eof
  • xargs - each line as a parameter to a cmd

    cat file.txt | xargs -L1 <cmd>
  • replacing all line breaks

    sed ":a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g' file


  • insert continus index to starting of lines

    • add 1, 2, 3, from line 10 to line 88 : 10,88s/^/\=line('.')-9.'.'
  • case [in-]sensitive search with \c: E.g. /InSensitive\c

  • Hide vim to background

    # in vim
    # then, return to vim
  • vim color scheme

    # color themes locate in /usr/shared/vim/vim80/colors/
    # in ~/.vimrc
    colorscheme industry
  • Key mappings

    // imap: insert mode, <c-d>:ctr+d, <esc>ddi: key in order 
    :map - x
    :imap <c-d> <esc>ddi
    :let mapleader = "-"
    :vmap <leader>\ U
    // no remap
    :inoremap <c-d>
    // unmap
    :nunmap -
  • Adjust the split window size

    :ctr+w _ " max height
    :ctr+w | " max width
    :ctr+w = " equal size
  • Open multiple files with split windows

    $ vim -o[O] file1 file2 ...
  • Scroll screen without changing cursor

    zz " move current line to middle of screen
    zt " move current line to top of screen
    zb " move current line to bottom of screen
  • others

    .        " repeat last action
    :e!      " restore to doc origin
    I        " insert at first non-space
    A        " insert at end of the line
    :n1,n2 w [filename]    " save lines n1~n2 as 
  • Plugin


  • open multiple files in diff tabs: vi -p f1.txt f2.txt
  • navigation between tabs:
    • command mode:
      :tabn # go to next tab
      :tabp # go to previous tab
      :tabnew # create a new tab
      :tabclose # close a new tab
      :tabclose {i} # close the tab in postion {i}
      :tabe {file} # edit in new tab
      :tabfirst # go to first
      :tabm 0  # move to first
    • normal mode:
      gt    # go to next tab
      gT    # go to previous tab
      {i}gt # go to tab in position i


  • Install packages in Jupyter Notebook

    import sys
    !conda install pip
    !python -m pip install keras
  • Location of installed package: pip show <package_name>

  • Installed packages: pip list

  • platform

    import platform



  • force to relaod ~/.tmux.conf

    # in tmux
    tmux kill-server
  • List installed packages

    apt list --installed
    dpkg --get-selections
  • show hidden folders Ctrl+H - tried on CentOS

  • what if python was removed from system

    • Ctrl+Alt+F4 to enter terminal
    • sudo apt-get install ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard ubuntu-desktop
    • sudo reboot
    • startx
  • pip does not work after upgrade, it says ImportError: cannot import name 'main'

    sudo python[3] -m pip uninstall pip && sudo apt install python3-pip --reinstall
    pip3 # or
    python3 -m pip


  • how to change libc.so.6 link? Do not try to rm it and recreate the link
    ldconfig -l -v /lib64/libc-2.30.so


  • JVM status check
    jps -v
    jstat -gc <jvmid>
    jmap -heap <jvmid>
    jmap -histo:live <jvmid> | more
  • Get JNI method signature from java class
    javap -s a.class
  • Eclipse cannot connect to Marketplace (from China)
    • add following content to eclipse.ini (in Eclipse.app on macOS)
  • Chrome Selenium WebDriver cannot perform another action before previous action finishes
    • tried executeAsyncScript, sendKeys, click() and Selenium IDE recording, no one worked
    • final solution was to use onclick function of web element
  • Reset Eclipse Color and Fonts to Default
    rm <workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings


  • Since C++11, unique_ptr supports dynamic array, but not shared_ptr
    std::unique_ptr<int[]> p(new int[nsize]); // type is int[]


  • Samples
    • //table[class='table-class']//td[contains(text(),'row1']/following-sibling::td[text()='column 2']
    • //div[@alt='This is a img' and @class='img-class']


  • Shortcut to escape VM (on Windows): Ctrl+Alt
    • Switch back to vmware with Alt+Tab then Ctrl+g


  • search multiple version with wildcard *: versionMatches("v1.*")
    • issuetype = Bug AND affectedVersion IN versionMatches("5.15.*") AND text ~ "binding broken"


Class relationship

  1. extension : <|--
  2. composition : *--
  3. aggregration : o--

Composition v.s. Aggregation

  • Composition
    • Composite aggregation is a subtype of aggregation relation with characteristics as:
      • It is a two-way association between the objects.
      • It is a whole/part relationship.
      • If a composite is deleted, all other parts associated with it are deleted.
    • The folder could contain many files, while each File has exactly one Folder parent. If a folder is deleted, all contained files are removed as well.
    • Folder "1" *-- "many" File
  • Aggregation
    • Let us consider an example of a car and a wheel.
    • A car needs a wheel to function correctly, but a wheel doesn't always need a car. It can also be used with the bike, bicycle, or any other vehicles but not a particular car. Here, the wheel object is meaningful even without the car object. Such type of relationship is called UML Aggregation relation.
    • Car "1" o-- "many" Wheel : aggregation


  • search words not included: (?!notincludeword), (?!word\b)

  • search two words accross multiple lines: (?:\n.*?){0,2}

    • (?:\n.*?) match anything including line break
    • {0,2} match times range
    • e.g. search for class....data at most 22 lines

online tool
