
Auto register event listeners, routes and command handlers using PHP attributes

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Laravel Attributes

This package provides php attributes automatically register Laravel routes, event listeners and command bus handlers.


  • PHP ^8.0
  • Laravel ^8.0


You can install the package via composer:

composer require aidynmakhataev/laravel-attributes

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AidynMakhataev\LaravelAttributes\LaravelAttributesServiceProvider" --tag="config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'events' => [
         * Automatic registration of listeners will only happen if this setting is `true`
        'enabled'       => true,

         * Listeners in these directories that have attributes will automatically be registered.
        'directories'   => [

    'command_bus' => [
         * Automatic registration of command handlers will only happen if this setting is `true`
        'enabled'       => true,

         * Handlers in these directories that have attributes will automatically be registered.
        'directories'   => [

    'routing' => [
         * Automatic registration of routes will only happen if this setting is `true`
        'enabled'       => true,

         * Controllers in these directories that have attributes will automatically be registered.
        'directories'   => [


The package provides several annotations that should be put on your methods.

Event Listeners

namespace App\Listeners;

use AidynMakhataev\LaravelAttributes\Attributes\EventListener;
use App\Events\OrderShipped;

class SendShipmentNotification
    public function handle(OrderShipped $event)

This attribute will automatically register this listener by executing following command:

Event::listen(OrderShipped::class, 'SendShipmentNotification@handle');

Command Handlers

namespace App\CommandHandlers;

use AidynMakhataev\LaravelAttributes\Attributes\CommandHandler;
use App\Events\OrderShipped;

class CreateOrderCommandHandler
    public function handle(CreateOrderCommand $command)

This attribute will automatically register this handler by executing following command:

    CreateOrderCommand::class => CreateOrderCommandHandler::class,


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use AidynMakhataev\LaravelAttributes\Attributes\Route;
use App\Events\OrderShipped;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class OrderController
    #[Route(path: '/orders', methods: ['POST'], name: 'orders.store', middlewares: ['auth'])]
    public function store(Request $request)

This attribute will automatically register this route by executing following command:

Route::post('/orders', [OrderController::class, 'store'])->name('orders.store')->middlewares(['auth']);


composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.