
Primary LanguageVueGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Aigang Platform [WEB]


This repository is presentation layer of aigang.network Framework for Iot insurance.

Framework includes:

  • Centralized Data section, Wiki, Discusions. These featutes can be turned on in web project configuration.
  • Prediction Markets. How to run
  • Pools. How to run
  • Insurance Product. How to run

Full framework is composed from these parts:

All architecture: Architecture


Recommended IDE:

  • Visual Studio Code for Web project and solidity

  • Jet Brains Rider or Visual studio for c# projects

  • Clone or download project to your machine

  • Update configuration file in destination /build/config/

    • dev.env.js - for development environment
    • qa.env.js - for qa environment
    • production.env.js - for production environment
  • build project:

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev - use qa environment api
npm run localdev - use local api
npm run windowsdev - use qa environment api for windows environment users
npm run windowslocaldev - use local environment api for windows environment users

# build for production with minification
npm run build - production configuration
npm run qabuild - qa configuration

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report



WEB (production branch) - https://aigang.network
API (production branch) - https://api.aigang.network/swagger


WEB (qa branch) - https://testplatform.aigang.network
API (qa branch) - https://testapi.aigang.network/swagger


Our github backlog can be found here


Everyone is welcome to contribute this repository, just make sure your code does not have validation issues and builds without errors. Create your feature branch and send us pull request to master branch.