
This is a simple messaging aplications

Primary LanguageHTML


Part 1: Programming

Write a simple web-chat application that satisfies the following requirements:

  • There is a single chat room

  • All connected users are visible in the room

  • All users get auto-generated user names when they connect

  • A user should be able to change their name

  • All users can send and read messages

Technologies to be used:

  • Frontend - JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, bonus points for using Flux / React or another modern JS framework

  • Backend - JavaScript framework (e.g NodeJS) of your choice Remember to add running instructions to your solution!

Part 2: Architecture

Describe on a high level how you would design a server and client for in-chat applications.

Individual mini-apps should be available inside chat bubbles to all chat participants as dynamic HTML/WebView components.

Synchronization should be taken care of, so that chat participants can see changes affected by others

  • Provide an architecture schematic and justify architectural choices

  • Expand on the key assumptions when building such a system

  • Discuss scalability and performance issues