This is an official respository for advanced PDF tools collection of Online Prime Tools.

Tasks To Do

  1. Test each pdf tool on different browsers
  2. Test each pdf tool on different devices
  3. Enable Sharethis plugin after deploying to EC2 and start the server
  4. Add to Google Search Console
  5. Create a sitemap and upload to Google Search Console
  6. Add to Google Analytics and then add or update the google analytics tracking code

Useful Link

Complete URL

Check Status

1.Merge PDF __Y 2.Rotate PDF __Y 3.Remove PDF Pages __Y 4.Organize PDF __Y 5.Compress PDF__Y 6.Grayscale PDF__Y 7.Extract PDF Pages__Y 8.Repair PDF__N__Not working as expected like other similar pdf tools online__Need to fix this issue 9.PDF TO JPG__Y 10.PDF TO PNG __Y 11.PDF TO BMP__Y 12.PDF TO TIFF__Y 13.PDF TO WORD__N__Not extracting images, __Grayscaled and Colors Are Gone!__Will Disable this because Python file converter app can convert it well. 14.PDF TO PPT__Y 15.PDF TO TXT__Y 16.PDF TO ZIP__y 17.PROTECT PDF__Y 18.UNLOCK PDF__Y 19.JPG TO PDF__Y 20.PNG TO PDF__Y 21.BMP TO PDF__Y 22.TIFF TO PDF__Y 23.WORD TO PDF__Y 24.PPTX TO PDF__Y 25.TXT TPO PDF__Y 26.EXCEL TO PDF__Y