
Painlessly generate Twitter marketing reports in Google Slides

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tweet2Slides (formerly known as jesssmd)

Quickly generating detailed reports from last week's Twitter engagement.


Quick Start

  1. Create a Twitter app at apps.twitter.com. Take the consumer key and consumer secret and put them in a file "app_secret" separated by a line:
<consumer key>
<consumer secret>
  1. Create a Google Slides app following this tutorial, step 1

  2. Install prerequisites either using pip -r requirements.txt or as below:

pip install google-api-python-client oauth2client # google api
pip install requests # prereq to tweepy
pip install tweepy # twitter API
pip install tqdm # loading bar which you will want for long timelines
  1. python main.py to get started! It might give you URLs and ask for verifiers or codes, just open the URL and authenticate.

  2. Profit?

More details

If you've been approved for the Enterprise API, the Engagement API taken from this gist will be available to you. You can use it by simply authenticating with your enterprise account and using the 'enterprise' flag:

python main.py --enterprise

This is highly experimental and may not always work as the Enterprise API is still a beta feature on the Twitter API!

If you experience any bugs please report them so we can continue to improve.