This is a demo application for React Native development in F# using Fable.
If you want to try it out then please do the following:
Make sure that the FSharp compiler is properly installed on your operating system:
- Install the Ionide VS Code extenstion for F#
- Install the VS Code extension for React Native
- Go to and do all steps of the getting started tutorial
- At this point you should have the default Javascript React Native "Hello World" running
- Pull latest master
- Run "npm install" from command prompt
- Open Android Simulator
- Open VS Code
- Press F5 to start debug
- Go to android device simulator and you should see something like
- Go to VS Code and hit Ctrl+Shift+B this will activate fable watch
- Go to the F# source in VS Code make a change and save the file
- Fable watch should pick up this change automatically and compile it
- Go to android device simulator and press r+r - change should be visible
This could look like:
If you hit F5 in VS Code and it compiles everything, but nothing happens... go to the debugger output (Ctrl+Shif+y) and search for hints. One pitfall might be "Skipping device, Device is UNAUTHORIZED". With
adb devices
you can see the list of devices, probably one of them is marked as UNAUTHORIZED. First, try
adb kill-server
and try it again. If it doesn't help, you can push the public key onto the device again:
cd ~/.android && adb push /data/misc/adb/adb_keys
After rebooting the device, access should be granted again.