
🔨提供一些实用的 Python 装饰器

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🔨 提供一些实用的 Python 装饰器~

Torbjorn(即托比昂)是守望先锋游戏中的英雄之一,他拥有一个强力输出的炮台。 俗话说「他强任他强,我用托比昂」,我希望本项目也能给你的 Python 代码提供强力的支持!

🎈️ v0.1.1:

使用 time.perf_counter 计算时间,以提高精准度。


# pip 安装
pip install torbjorn

# or 源码安装
git clone https://github.com/Ailln/torbjorn.git
cd torbjorn && python setup.py install


  • run_time: 计算运行时间
  • run_count: 计算运行次数
  • ctrl_c: 程序终止验证
import logging

import torbjorn as tbn

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@tbn.run_time(logger=logger, name="test_time")
@tbn.run_count(logger=logger, name="test_count")
def calculate_million_numbers(num):
    number = 0
    for _ in range(num):
        number += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for _ in range(10):
# output:
# [calculate_million_numbers] run count(t): 1
# [test_count] run count(t): 1
# [test_count] run count(t): 1
# [test_time] run time(s): 0.074010
# [test_time] run time(s): 0.074463
# [calculate_million_numbers] run time(s): 0.074512
# [calculate_million_numbers] run count(t): 2
# [test_count] run count(t): 2
# [test_count] run count(t): 2
# [test_time] run time(s): 0.074386
# [test_time] run time(s): 0.074522
# [calculate_million_numbers] run time(s): 0.074556
# ^CAre you sure to quit? (yes|y) / (no|n)
# >> 123
# ^CAre you sure to quit? (yes|y) / (no|n)
# >> no
# [calculate_million_numbers] run count(t): 3
# [test_count] run count(t): 3
# [test_count] run count(t): 3
# [test_time] run time(s): 0.072722
# [test_time] run time(s): 0.072863
# [calculate_million_numbers] run time(s): 0.072897
# ^CAre you sure to quit? (yes|y) / (no|n)
# >> yes
# >> exit...
