
problem, 3D weights cannot be loaded

cqustlym opened this issue · 1 comments

Thank you for providing a lot of 3D pre-training weights. When I loaded the weights of VC3D_kenshohara, I ran the following code and found that all weights were Non-Pretrained keys: 318. Is there any problem?

import torch
from wama_modules.thirdparty_lib.VC3D_kenshohara.wide_resnet import generate_model
from wama_modules.utils import load_weights
m = generate_model()
pretrain_path = r"wideresnet-50-kinetics.pth"
pretrain_weights = torch.load(pretrain_path, map_location='cpu')['state_dict']
m = load_weights(m, pretrain_weights)
keys ( Current model,C )  318 odict_keys(['conv1.weight', 'bn1.weight', 'bn1.bias', 's_tracked'])
keys ( Pre-trained  ,P )  267 dict_keys(['module.conv1.weight', 'module.bn1.weight...er4.2.convle.fc.bias'])
keys (   In C &   In P )  0 dict_keys([])
keys ( NoIn C &   In P )  267 dict_keys([''])
keys (   In C & NoIn P )  318 dict_keys(['conv1.weig...es_tracked'])
Pretrained keys : 0 dict_keys([])
Non-Pretrained keys: 318 dict_keys(['conv1.weight', 'bn1.we...tches_tracked'])

Because of the keys in pretrained weights state_dict contains 'model.', so you need to set the drop_modelDOT argument to True in the function load_weights, like:

m = load_weights(m, pretrain_weights, drop_modelDOT=True)