
A Project_Book API allows the user to users Schema. User receives a Token at the header and can access the books at the endpoint, also can get/ post/delete the book with id. The API protects API with a hashed password.

Tech Stack

Server: Node, Express

Database: Mongo DB

Tools: Mongoose

##Environment Variables

In order to run the Book_API project, you need to add the environment variables to .env file


Run Locally

Clone the project You must follow all steps and have all dependencies in order to run the project locally. git clone

Go to the project directory cd

Install dependencies npm init -y

npm i:

-bcrypt -dotenv -express -helmet -jsonwebtoken -mongoose -morgan Routes Endpoints, Parameters, Schema server -app.get('/') returns message "API up"

Auth('/auth') creates Login'/'): create Users, userSchema is used, password is hashed booksRouter.get('/'): create, reads, reads by id, updates and deletes books, booksSchema is used authRouter('/'): creates login

User Schema:

username: type: String, required: true, email:type: String, required: true, birthday: type: Number, required: true, age: type: Number password:type: String, required: true

Books Schema:

username: type: String, require: true created_by:type: String, required: true, created_at: type: String, required: true, book_title: type: String, required: true, book_content: type: String, required: true,


authMiddleware: it takes token from the header and is used to protect the routes

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