Console Streaming Server is a simple server that hijacks your console's broadcast to Twitch and publishes it in your network, allowing you to process it with OBS or any other streaming tool before sending it to your favorite streaming platform.
- AndrioBR
- bryan-zhu-dev
- cdgabe
- chinchan54
- cpotemski@holisticon
- e3ndrCasterlabs
- fengjutian
- FreemanZY
- Gnat2210
- GoBoopADog
- iLoretoSouthern California
- jinhy1125
- jmcalderaSantiago de Chile
- JoeJoeyMaMaple Global LTD
- lightyisrealSomewhere
- LordTocs
- melaphorNew York, NY
- midpoint
- mihail-antonovVeliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
- QuitFlounder
- RajaTheTiger-eth
- RayneYoruka
- Remls
- spawn-guy@aFrogleap @CoVadem
- TekkertheChaotGermany
- toou1234
- VennStoneInterfacing Linux
- ZulandratronicsBoredNotBored